Toy Soldier & Model Figure  |  229
Editor Stuart A. Hessney kicks off this edition’s parade of features with an
essay on the 37th Annual Chicago Toy Soldier Show in September 2017. The Toy Soldier Museum’s James H. Hillestad delivers a one-two punch of articles. He offers thoughts about ways to reinvigorate toy soldier collecting in “Share the Hobby!” In addition, Jim recounts the story of how the game of chess made its way into the world of toy soldiers complete with a Hollywood twist. Readers should harken to an article called “Christmastime Tiny Town Tradition” for an abundance of display inspirations. Just in time for the 2017 holiday season, collector David Frankowski provides a look at how toy figures and trains enliven his seasonal and nostalgic, Britishstyle village layout. This edition of your favorite magazine also showcases a special section with an American Revolutionary War theme thanks to collectors Curtis Sleight and Thomas Allan. As usual, there’s lots more in store in this edition, so please start turning the pages, enjoy and, as always, happy collecting!
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Toy Soldier & Model Figure 229.