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General Interest

True Crime Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
44 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (News & Current Affairs)
What’s it like to be a killer? Or a murder victim? Or a detective trying to crack the crime?

True Crime magazine has the answers. And now it’s available in a versatile digital edition you can read anywhere on any device.

Packed full of must-read reports on unspeakable crimes, illustrated with astonishing photos, True Crime is better than the most thrilling whodunit – because it’s 100% TRUE.

Specialising in real-life stories from the US, the UK and around the world, it brings you the most notorious homicide cases from Victorian times right up to the present. In its pages you might find the latest murder case from the UK courts, a fascinating gangster saga from the 1930s, a French crime of passion from the 1970s and a crazed cannibal killer from the former Soviet Union. All this plus regular features such as Chronicles of Crime, Major British Murders and Gangland Confidential.

Use this app to try the latest issue or a full year’s subscription (12 issues) and explore the dark world of crime with our expert writers as your guide. We take a lot of care over the way our stories are written – to make them clear, engrossing and above all factually correct. Never less than fascinating, True Crime might just be the best crime read you can buy.

* And if you like True Crime, be sure to check out the other digital magazines in the True Crime Library stable: True Detective, Master Detective and Murder Most Foul.
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True Crime

True Crime January 2024 Highlights this issue include: * Jazz Trumpeter Almost Decapitated By Jealous Double-Killer * Major British Murder Cases: “You Won’t Forget Me – I’ll Be Famous” * Ask TC: Woking’s Girl Scout Murder * Did Mormon Bishop Murder For Love? * Murder The French Way: Triangle Of Death * Killers Released To Kill Again: A Catalogue Of Rape And Murder * Last Men On The Gallows: Britain’s Longest-Serving Murderer * Gangland Confidential: How The Mob Wiped Out Their Own Hit-Man * Emperor Of Death Row * The Killer On The Webcam

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Issue Cover

True Crime  |  True Crime January 2024  

Highlights this issue include:

* Jazz Trumpeter Almost Decapitated By Jealous Double-Killer

* Major British Murder Cases: “You Won’t Forget Me – I’ll Be Famous”

* Ask TC: Woking’s Girl Scout Murder

* Did Mormon Bishop Murder For Love?

* Murder The French Way: Triangle Of Death

* Killers Released To Kill Again: A Catalogue Of Rape And Murder

* Last Men On The Gallows: Britain’s Longest-Serving Murderer

* Gangland Confidential: How The Mob Wiped Out Their Own Hit-Man

* Emperor Of Death Row

* The Killer On The Webcam
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
What’s it like to be a killer? Or a murder victim? Or a detective trying to crack the crime?

True Crime magazine has the answers. And now it’s available in a versatile digital edition you can read anywhere on any device.

Packed full of must-read reports on unspeakable crimes, illustrated with astonishing photos, True Crime is better than the most thrilling whodunit – because it’s 100% TRUE.

Specialising in real-life stories from the US, the UK and around the world, it brings you the most notorious homicide cases from Victorian times right up to the present. In its pages you might find the latest murder case from the UK courts, a fascinating gangster saga from the 1930s, a French crime of passion from the 1970s and a crazed cannibal killer from the former Soviet Union. All this plus regular features such as Chronicles of Crime, Major British Murders and Gangland Confidential.

Use this app to try the latest issue or a full year’s subscription (12 issues) and explore the dark world of crime with our expert writers as your guide. We take a lot of care over the way our stories are written – to make them clear, engrossing and above all factually correct. Never less than fascinating, True Crime might just be the best crime read you can buy.

* And if you like True Crime, be sure to check out the other digital magazines in the True Crime Library stable: True Detective, Master Detective and Murder Most Foul.

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Basato su 44 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni


Great for all fans of true Crime Recensito 25 aprile 2022

True Crime

I prefer to read Victorian/Edwardian era stories. Recensito 11 novembre 2020

True Crime

It's a great magazine... Recensito 26 febbraio 2020

Highly entertaining

Murder She Wrote but in real life Recensito 16 dicembre 2019

Always a thrilling read

Excellent magazine with lots of interesting articles to follow each month Recensito 20 novembre 2019

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in True Crime True Crime January 2024.