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Food & Drink

Vegetarian Living Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
17 Recensioni   •  English   •   Food & Drink (Vegetarian & Vegan)
Vegetarian Living is a magazine for people who want to be inspired by vegetarian cooking – whether you are vegetarian, vegan or simply want to cut down your meat intake and eat more healthily.

Vegetarian Living celebrates the food that’s in season, with some of the best chefs and food writers in the UK today. We strongly believe that meat-free cooking can be delicious, easy and healthy, and aim to bring you an array of inspiring recipes each issue that will appeal to the whole family.

As well as cooking, we have a passion for embracing a more sustainable and eco-friendly way of life (wellies not obligatory), so each issue will be packed with news, celebrity interviews, gardening advice, healthy-living ideas, money-saving tips, kids’ cooking and eco-ideas… and much more.

• Seasonal focus: food guides and recipes based around what’s in season, plus holiday/festivity-related dishes
• Healthy eating: full-colour recipes with full nutritional analysis; tips on smart shopping for health, taste and value
• Meal planners: where to source great products, nutritional information and cooking with/for children
• Eco-friendly living: how to live without harming our planet and fun eco-ideas for inspiring the next generation
• The complete vegetarian package: from growing your own food, to what to buy and how to cook
Vegetarian Living Preview PagesVegetarian Living Preview Pages

Vegetarian Living

May-20 Vegetarian Living May 2020 #118

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Vegetarian Living issue May-20

Vegetarian Living  |  May-20  

Vegetarian Living May 2020 #118
Apr-20 issue Apr-20 Apr-20 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Mar-20 issue Mar-20 Mar-20 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Feb-20 issue Feb-20 Feb-20 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Jan-20 issue Jan-20 Jan-20 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Dec-19 issue Dec-19 Dec-19 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
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