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Aviation & Transport

Vulcan Airborne Magazine

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Vulcan Airborne Special Magazine - The return to the skies of a much-loved icon
Brought to you by Key Publishing Ltd, Europe’s Leading Aviation Publisher.

Vulcan Airborne documents the full story of the challenging and complex return to flight restoration of this iconic aircraft. Over 84 high-quality pages, the team behind FlyPast magazine tell the complete story of the ultimate show-stopper.

Features Include:

• 21st Century Vulcan – After demob from the RAF, XH558 faced a new future as a civilian. Ken Ellis charts her return to flight
• Life With The Vulcan – Flt Lt Jack Talliss remembers his eleven years with Avro’s superb delta
• From The Left Hand Seat – What was Avro’s delta like to fly? Colin Dodds flew them for six years and reveals the aircrafts characteristics
• Life And Times – A Vulcan timeline detailing its place in aviation and world history
• The Magnificent 19 – Ken Ellis takes a look at the surviving Vulcans and their histories
• The Road to Rio – After the in-flight refuelling probe fractured on the way back from the Falklands, XM597 had nowhere to go but Brazil
• Three-raid Veteran – XM607, which flew three sorties to Port Stanley.

Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2011. All rights reserved.
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Vulcan Airborne

Vulcan Airbourne Vulcan Airborne - Celebrating the return to air of a much loved icon. The full story of the most challenging and complex return to flight restoration ever attempted!

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Vulcan Airborne  |  Vulcan Airbourne  

Vulcan Airborne - Celebrating the return to air of a much loved icon. The full story of the most challenging and complex return to flight restoration ever attempted!
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Vulcan Airborne Special Magazine - The return to the skies of a much-loved icon
Brought to you by Key Publishing Ltd, Europe’s Leading Aviation Publisher.

Vulcan Airborne documents the full story of the challenging and complex return to flight restoration of this iconic aircraft. Over 84 high-quality pages, the team behind FlyPast magazine tell the complete story of the ultimate show-stopper.

Features Include:

• 21st Century Vulcan – After demob from the RAF, XH558 faced a new future as a civilian. Ken Ellis charts her return to flight
• Life With The Vulcan – Flt Lt Jack Talliss remembers his eleven years with Avro’s superb delta
• From The Left Hand Seat – What was Avro’s delta like to fly? Colin Dodds flew them for six years and reveals the aircrafts characteristics
• Life And Times – A Vulcan timeline detailing its place in aviation and world history
• The Magnificent 19 – Ken Ellis takes a look at the surviving Vulcans and their histories
• The Road to Rio – After the in-flight refuelling probe fractured on the way back from the Falklands, XM597 had nowhere to go but Brazil
• Three-raid Veteran – XM607, which flew three sorties to Port Stanley.

Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2011. All rights reserved.

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