Web Designer  |  Issue 276
The past two years has seen an explosion in the interest for VR and AR technologies, and this shows no signs of decline, with many major tech companies rumoured to be working on new top secret devices. It’s also no
surprise that AR has arrived on the web and this gives designers some
important new areas to consider for content creation. With new technology, of course, comes new skills and right now it feels like the Wild West with no major standards to follow. The ability to display 3D on the web is nothing new, but if you’ve been avoiding it, then you need to jump into technologies like Three.js or A-Frame. The latter being the easiest if you are not familiar with JavaScript. You might also need to think about using a 3D app in much the same way you think of creating graphic content with a photo app, so upping those skills is going to be an advantage giving you the ability to craft your own models.
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