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Western Horse Review Magazine January-February 2013 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Animals & Pets)
Only €4,99
The January / February issue is an exciting mixture of western culture and modern style. We have delved into the burgeoning world of western weddings to bring the reader the best in trends and news for the horse-influenced bride to be. We also go beyond weddings and style to bring to light the most up to date equine health information and features on one of Canada's hottest trainers; cowboy challenge contender Jim Anderson. We round off the issue with competitor spotlights ranging from pole bending to working cow horse and an interesting piece on the evolution of the paint horse in Canada. For the prospective student; we bring together a collection of some of the best schools and educational institutes available in the equine industry in order to best inform our reader. Western Horse Review is an industry leading publication that never fails to disappoint in content or reading pleasure; and this issue is no different. Visually stunning and well written; the January/February issue is a must read for the western-influenced horse enthusiast.
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Western Horse Review

January-February 2013 The January / February issue is an exciting mixture of western culture and modern style. We have delved into the burgeoning world of western weddings to bring the reader the best in trends and news for the horse-influenced bride to be. We also go beyond weddings and style to bring to light the most up to date equine health information and features on one of Canada's hottest trainers; cowboy challenge contender Jim Anderson. We round off the issue with competitor spotlights ranging from pole bending to working cow horse and an interesting piece on the evolution of the paint horse in Canada. For the prospective student; we bring together a collection of some of the best schools and educational institutes available in the equine industry in order to best inform our reader. Western Horse Review is an industry leading publication that never fails to disappoint in content or reading pleasure; and this issue is no different. Visually stunning and well written; the January/February issue is a must read for the western-influenced horse enthusiast.

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Issue Cover

Western Horse Review  |  January-February 2013  

The January / February issue is an exciting mixture of western culture and modern style. We have delved into the burgeoning world of western weddings to bring the reader the best in trends and news for the horse-influenced bride to be. We also go beyond weddings and style to bring to light the most up to date equine health information and features on one of Canada's hottest trainers; cowboy challenge contender Jim Anderson. We round off the issue with competitor spotlights ranging from pole bending to working cow horse and an interesting piece on the evolution of the paint horse in Canada. For the prospective student; we bring together a collection of some of the best schools and educational institutes available in the equine industry in order to best inform our reader. Western Horse Review is an industry leading publication that never fails to disappoint in content or reading pleasure; and this issue is no different. Visually stunning and well written; the January/February issue is a must read for the western-influenced horse enthusiast.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Western Horse Review is dedicate to the passion, sport and beauty of western riding and the lifestyle that comes with it. Enjoy all it has to offer through the words and eyes of those who are living the dream.

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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