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Family & Home

Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine

4 numeri all'anno   |  English
5 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Animals & Pets)
From €6,50 per numero
Bully's is the first magazine exclusively about Bulldogs and Molossiers. It contains technical and factual articles, and covers many other interesting topics for dog lovers including: features with celebrities, interviews with well-known dog trainers and their helpful tips, presentations of the different types of Bulldog and Molosser breeds, personal dog stories of readers, updates, and the latest findings in health, medicine, and naturalistic treatment, diet and nutritional information, animal humanitarianism endeavors, plus cartoons, comics and much more. Bully's is published quarterly with online subscriptions available.

All proceeds from the sales of Bully's The Bulldog Magazine go towards supporting Animal and Environmental Conservation.
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Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Preview Pages Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Preview Pages Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Preview Pages Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Preview Pages Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Preview Pages Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Preview Pages

Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine

Summer 2024 Welcome to the Summer 2024 issue of Bully's the Bulldog magazine! During this summer season, we thought that we would take this opportunity to provide health advice related to keeping your dog safe at the beach, while swimming in rivers and lakes, and when you're gardening with your dog. There is also an article about a study which demonstrated the health and emotional benefits associated with dog ownership. There is also a historical informational piece on the Boston Terrier. This issue concludes with an update on the amazing adventures of Bean Hart.

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Offerte digitali disponibili:

Singolo numero digitale Summer 2024
4,99 / issue
Annuale Abbonamento digitale €25,99 fatturati annualmente
€6,50 / edizione
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Issue Cover

Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine  |  Summer 2024  

Welcome to the Summer 2024 issue of Bully's the Bulldog magazine! During this summer season, we thought that we would take this opportunity to provide health advice related to keeping your dog safe at the beach, while swimming in rivers and lakes, and when you're gardening with your dog. There is also an article about a study which demonstrated the health and emotional benefits associated with dog ownership. There is also a historical informational piece on the Boston Terrier. This issue concludes with an update on the amazing adventures of Bean Hart.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Bully's is the first magazine exclusively about Bulldogs and Molossiers. It contains technical and factual articles, and covers many other interesting topics for dog lovers including: features with celebrities, interviews with well-known dog trainers and their helpful tips, presentations of the different types of Bulldog and Molosser breeds, personal dog stories of readers, updates, and the latest findings in health, medicine, and naturalistic treatment, diet and nutritional information, animal humanitarianism endeavors, plus cartoons, comics and much more. Bully's is published quarterly with online subscriptions available.

All proceeds from the sales of Bully's The Bulldog Magazine go towards supporting Animal and Environmental Conservation.

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Basato su 5 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Animal & Environmental Conservation

It's wonderful to create a magazine that allocates all proceeds to animal and environmental conservation. We need more magazines that focus on humanitarianism and giving back! Recensito 16 aprile 2023

Love The New Format

Bully's magazine was always a very solid informative magazine but since the new management took over the quality of the magazine has been elevated tremendously. I love the detail that is put into each article and the creativity expressed throughout, especially on the magazine covers. They are adorable! I highly recommend this magazine. Recensito 19 dicembre 2021

Excellent Bulldog Magazine

Bully’s is an informative and well-written magazine which provides excellent advice related to the health and wellbeing of Bulldog and Molosser breeds. In particular, the articles written by veterinarian experts are helpful towards educating owners about preventative measures against particular ailments and providing advice towards enhancing dog health. Importantly, as a dog owner myself, I envision that many of these articles would be informative for owners of other dog breeds too. I also really appreciated the articles related to dog training tips, animal humanitarianism, and Bulldog features with celebrities and readers. Overall, I would strongly recommend subscribing to Bully’s – The Bulldog Magazine for anyone with an interest in dogs, and particularly Bulldog and Molosser breeds. Recensito 09 settembre 2020

Fabulous New Bulldog Magazine & More!

Finally a fun new bulldog magazine that is so interesting and full of so many great articles. Thank you! Recensito 05 giugno 2020


Bully's Magazine is such a fun, positive, informative, relevant magazine full of so many amazing articles on bulldogs. I loved the feature article on the NFL Denver Broncos Owner's bulldog named Elway. So cute. Additionally I really liked all the other very interesting stories on animal health, pet adoption, Covid-19... and I was surprised by the vegan dogs article too. I also love that a portion of the sales of this magazine go to The Owen Hart Foundation. Wow! Recensito 23 maggio 2020

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Summer 2024.

Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Spring 2024 Spring 2024 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Winter 2023 Winter 2023 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Fall 2023 Fall 2023 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Spring 2023 Spring 2023 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Winter 2022 Winter 2022 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Fall 2022 Fall 2022 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Summer 2022 Summer 2022 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Spring 2022 Spring 2022 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Winter 2021 Winter 2021 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Fall 2021 Fall 2021 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Summer 2021 Summer 2021 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Bully’s - The Bulldog Magazine Spring 2021 Spring 2021 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
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