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Yarn Magazine Yarn Mag Issue 70 Edizione posteriore

12 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Sewing & Knitting)
Only €5,99
Knit, crochet, spin, weave, felt and more!

Yarn is the original magazine published by what became ArtWear Publications. It began via a group of knitters at a pub in Adelaide, South Australia. As Barbara Coddington, the original editor said, “As knitters and crafters we like to have a yarn as much as we like to play with the stuff, so making a magazine that is smart and fun to read and explore throughout – not just in the patterns section – was essential. We think of it as ‘craft journalism’, rather than simply pretty things to make (although that is important too).”

Yarn has undergone a number of editors since that first issue. Issue 43 (September 2016) sees the arrival of Gaille Smith as editor, who has a determination to fill Yarn with many different techniques of playing with yarns and fibres, as well as instructional, inspirational and just plain fun articles.

You will find knitting, crochet, felting, spinning, weaving, travel, and so much more in this magazine. Having begun in Adelaide, Yarn is still an Australian magazine, created here in Australia, and read worldwide.

Yarn is published in March, June, September and December each year. Your subscription will begin with the NEXT issue to be published. If you wish to start with the current issue of Yarn, place your subscription order and then email to request the different start issue.

We know you will enjoy delving into the world of yarns and fibres!
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Yarn Mag Issue 70 Knit, crochet, spin, weave, felt and more! Yarn is the original magazine published by what became ArtWear Publications. It began via a group of knitters at a pub in Adelaide, South Australia. As Barbara Coddington, the original editor said, “As knitters and crafters we like to have a yarn as much as we like to play with the stuff, so making a magazine that is smart and fun to read and explore throughout – not just in the patterns section – was essential. We think of it as ‘craft journalism’, rather than simply pretty things to make (although that is important too).” Yarn has undergone a number of editors since that first issue. Issue 43 (September 2016) sees the arrival of Gaille Smith as editor, who has a determination to fill Yarn with many different techniques of playing with yarns and fibres, as well as instructional, inspirational and just plain fun articles. You will find knitting, crochet, felting, spinning, weaving, travel, and so much more in this magazine. Having begun in Adelaide, Yarn is still an Australian magazine, created here in Australia, and read worldwide. Yarn is published in March, June, September and December each year. Your subscription will begin with the NEXT issue to be published. If you wish to start with the current issue of Yarn, place your subscription order and then email to request the different start issue. We know you will enjoy delving into the world of yarns and fibres!

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5,99 / issue
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I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Yarn  |  Yarn Mag Issue 70  

Knit, crochet, spin, weave, felt and more!

Yarn is the original magazine published by what became ArtWear Publications. It began via a group of knitters at a pub in Adelaide, South Australia. As Barbara Coddington, the original editor said, “As knitters and crafters we like to have a yarn as much as we like to play with the stuff, so making a magazine that is smart and fun to read and explore throughout – not just in the patterns section – was essential. We think of it as ‘craft journalism’, rather than simply pretty things to make (although that is important too).”

Yarn has undergone a number of editors since that first issue. Issue 43 (September 2016) sees the arrival of Gaille Smith as editor, who has a determination to fill Yarn with many different techniques of playing with yarns and fibres, as well as instructional, inspirational and just plain fun articles.

You will find knitting, crochet, felting, spinning, weaving, travel, and so much more in this magazine. Having begun in Adelaide, Yarn is still an Australian magazine, created here in Australia, and read worldwide.

Yarn is published in March, June, September and December each year. Your subscription will begin with the NEXT issue to be published. If you wish to start with the current issue of Yarn, place your subscription order and then email to request the different start issue.

We know you will enjoy delving into the world of yarns and fibres!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
If you enjoy yarn, this is the magazine for you. Yarn features a mix of projects, articles, techniques and stories. The projects are predominantly knitwear designs, often with an edgy twist and always shown on a range of figures, rather than perfect-sized, flawless models. There is always at least 1 crochet design and some of the knits feature crocheted finishes.
Every few issues we feature a technique on the creation of art yarn or a project that employs the washing machine to full your knit (or crochet) project into a lovely felted creation, such as brimmed hats, sturdy bags and snuggly boots for warming your tootsies in winter.
The knitwear designs come with comprehensive instructions and a minimum of five sizes. We always include yarn substitution information and measurements in cm and inches. Projects include a mix of lace, cables, slipped stitch designs, Fair Isle, stocking stitch and garter stitch, from easy to technically difficult, to suit a wide range of skill levels.
Technique based articles explain things such as shaping, grading, cast on and cast off methods, backwards knitting, cabling without cable needles, weaving in as you go, creating texture and more.

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Riceverete 4 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Yarn abbonamento alla rivista.

Nota: le edizioni digitali non includono gli articoli di copertina o i supplementi che si trovano nelle copie stampate.

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Basato su 12 Recensioni dei clienti
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I like the colorful, simplistic format of the emagazine. Recensito 04 dicembre 2021

Articoli in questo numero

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