Performance BMW  |  September 17
The September issue is packed full of awesome feature cars that will make you come away wanting each and every one of them. Our cover car is an absolutely awesome S38-swapped E34 Touring. It hails, as you can probably guess from the number plate, from Japan, and it's had a huge amount of work done that has transformed it from 540i into something truly exceptional. Not only does it look stunning, it's had the full-fat 3.8-swap and it's a flawless machine from top to bottom. Other delights this month include a monster 823hp turbo drag E30, an 820hp F10 M5, a full-on E36 track beast and an absolutely sublime slice of retro cool in the shape of an E3 3.0 on air.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Performance BMW September 17.