Psychologies  |  No.102 George Clooney
George Clooney is the first ever man to grace the cover of Psychologies and he’s leading from the front with our special seduction issue. Why have we chosen gorgeous George for our cover? Yes, he is good-looking, but there are a million handsome men in Hollywood – what makes him a Psychologies favourite? We believe George Clooney is not only attractive on the outside, he’s attractive on the inside, too. ‘I grew up appreciating the notion of integrity,’ he says in our interview on page 20. He knows what he wants, he works incredibly hard on projects he believes in, values loyalty and friendship, and keeps his promises. But he’s not eye-rollingly worthy either; this is a man who knows the importance of play and pleasure, and the joy of a four-hour lunch. What’s not to love?
This month, we explore the idea of seduction and ask what exactly it is that creates the magnetic pull of attraction. It might not be what you think. On page 38, Betsy Prioleau, author of Swoon: Great Seducers And Why Women Love Them (WWNorton, £19.99), explains that the men we can’t get enough of are the ones who pay attention to us, listen and make us feel cherished. In the age of digital distraction, I believe that someone leaning in to listen and give you their full attention is the best foreplay there is (well, almost). Maybe we should take our own advice. If we want to attract more of the good stuff, perhaps we need to pay attention to our own needs, listen to the whisper of our own longings, and figure out how to cherish ourselves. As Regena Thomashauer, author and founder of Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts in New York says on page 28, we can’t just lie there waiting for our prince like Sleeping Beauty: ‘We must kiss ourselves awake.’ We need to invest in what brings
us pleasure, she says, ‘because that’s what fuels your entire life.’ (She also suggests we read a book called Extended Massive Orgasm.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Psychologies No.102 George Clooney.