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Airgun Shooter Magazine June 2022 Edição anterior

60 Comentários   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
The Deer Hunter
Tom Claycomb III is an experienced hunter, but this time he goes large and seeks out an axis deer

The Countryman
A bait trap keeps destructive grey squirrels in check as they move away from their winter haunts

Bunny Bounce-Back
A springtime population boom has caused a massive increase in rabbits on Mat Manning’s patch
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Airgun Shooter

June 2022 The Deer Hunter Tom Claycomb III is an experienced hunter, but this time he goes large and seeks out an axis deer The Countryman A bait trap keeps destructive grey squirrels in check as they move away from their winter haunts Bunny Bounce-Back A springtime population boom has caused a massive increase in rabbits on Mat Manning’s patch

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Com base em 60 Comentários de clientes
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Always informative

Very interesting articles Revisto 20 maio 2022

Airgun Shooter

Great magazine - please keep them coming. Revisto 25 fevereiro 2021

Airgun Shooter

I am new to this magazine, but I have enjoyed reading it so far, it covers a good range of airgun interests. I particularly like the reviews. Revisto 16 junho 2020

Airgun Shooter

What got me hooked when Mat on a youtube video shown how to mount a video camera on a scope. Revisto 12 junho 2020

Airgun Shooter

Always something interesting. Revisto 11 março 2020
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