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Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 172 Edição anterior

0 Comentários   •  English   •   Family & Home (Parenting)
Only €6,99
December always seems to be a magical time. Lights gleam from people’s houses, trees, and even the eyes of little ones who take in their surroundings with anticipation and joy. Yet, for children on the spectrum, the anticipation might present as anxiousness. Sensory issues can turn carols into cacophony and flickering lights into flares. As parents, our own inner lights might dim as we try to deal with all the merriment, mayhem, and meltdowns. This month’s theme is “Hooray! Navigating Autism and the Holidays,” and depending on our mood throughout the month, that statement might be filled with joy or loaded with sarcasm. We understand. My wish at this magical time is that you, our readers, find the tips and information to help those you love, whatever their age. Hopefully, with some of the strategies in place, you and your families will envision every bright light as a beacon and hear every seasonal song and sleigh bell as a soothing symphony. May you have many magical moments throughout this month, and may your inner light shine like a guiding star in your silent night. Happy reading!

What else can you expect?

- Give Me a Break! Why Socializing Shouldn’t Be Forced
- Finding Joy in the Holidays: Strategies for Autism Parents
- Pre-Teaching Techniques for Social and Academic Success
- Handling Holiday Small Talk: Tips for Autistic Teens and Adults
- Navigating Emotions in Autism
- Plus many more articles…
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Autism Parenting

Issue 172 December always seems to be a magical time. Lights gleam from people’s houses, trees, and even the eyes of little ones who take in their surroundings with anticipation and joy. Yet, for children on the spectrum, the anticipation might present as anxiousness. Sensory issues can turn carols into cacophony and flickering lights into flares. As parents, our own inner lights might dim as we try to deal with all the merriment, mayhem, and meltdowns. This month’s theme is “Hooray! Navigating Autism and the Holidays,” and depending on our mood throughout the month, that statement might be filled with joy or loaded with sarcasm. We understand. My wish at this magical time is that you, our readers, find the tips and information to help those you love, whatever their age. Hopefully, with some of the strategies in place, you and your families will envision every bright light as a beacon and hear every seasonal song and sleigh bell as a soothing symphony. May you have many magical moments throughout this month, and may your inner light shine like a guiding star in your silent night. Happy reading! What else can you expect? - Give Me a Break! Why Socializing Shouldn’t Be Forced - Finding Joy in the Holidays: Strategies for Autism Parents - Pre-Teaching Techniques for Social and Academic Success - Handling Holiday Small Talk: Tips for Autistic Teens and Adults - Navigating Emotions in Autism - Plus many more articles…

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Autism Parenting issue Issue 172

Autism Parenting  |  Issue 172  

December always seems to be a magical time. Lights gleam from people’s houses, trees, and even the eyes of little ones who take in their surroundings with anticipation and joy. Yet, for children on the spectrum, the anticipation might present as anxiousness. Sensory issues can turn carols into cacophony and flickering lights into flares. As parents, our own inner lights might dim as we try to deal with all the merriment, mayhem, and meltdowns. This month’s theme is “Hooray! Navigating Autism and the Holidays,” and depending on our mood throughout the month, that statement might be filled with joy or loaded with sarcasm. We understand. My wish at this magical time is that you, our readers, find the tips and information to help those you love, whatever their age. Hopefully, with some of the strategies in place, you and your families will envision every bright light as a beacon and hear every seasonal song and sleigh bell as a soothing symphony. May you have many magical moments throughout this month, and may your inner light shine like a guiding star in your silent night. Happy reading!

What else can you expect?

- Give Me a Break! Why Socializing Shouldn’t Be Forced
- Finding Joy in the Holidays: Strategies for Autism Parents
- Pre-Teaching Techniques for Social and Academic Success
- Handling Holiday Small Talk: Tips for Autistic Teens and Adults
- Navigating Emotions in Autism
- Plus many more articles…
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