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Britain at War Magazine Amazing War Stories: Vehicles of D-Day Edição especial

61 Comentários   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €9,99
There’s a piece of the puzzle that sometimes gets missed when we talk about how the Allies clinched victory in World War Two – our vehicles. Without a diverse fleet of machines, our troops wouldn’t have stood a chance against the formidable German defences while they battered their way through the terrain of Normandy in June 1944.

‘Hobart’s Funnies’ - ingenious modified tanks such as the ‘Sherman Crab’ - quickly cleared beach mines. Without them, supply lines would have been much harder to establish. Together with an endless stream of Bedford trucks, Willys Jeeps, and other vehicles they were the unsung heroes that ferried our soldiers to link up with paratroopers behind enemy lines.

They played a significant part on D-Day and beyond and they get their recognition in the pages of Amazing War Stories: Vehicles of D-Day. This 116-page special, compiled by the team behind Classic Military Vehicle magazine, is a salute to the incredible brains behind these awesome machines and to the bravery of the men who manned them.
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Britain at War Magazine

Amazing War Stories: Vehicles of D-Day There’s a piece of the puzzle that sometimes gets missed when we talk about how the Allies clinched victory in World War Two – our vehicles. Without a diverse fleet of machines, our troops wouldn’t have stood a chance against the formidable German defences while they battered their way through the terrain of Normandy in June 1944. ‘Hobart’s Funnies’ - ingenious modified tanks such as the ‘Sherman Crab’ - quickly cleared beach mines. Without them, supply lines would have been much harder to establish. Together with an endless stream of Bedford trucks, Willys Jeeps, and other vehicles they were the unsung heroes that ferried our soldiers to link up with paratroopers behind enemy lines. They played a significant part on D-Day and beyond and they get their recognition in the pages of Amazing War Stories: Vehicles of D-Day. This 116-page special, compiled by the team behind Classic Military Vehicle magazine, is a salute to the incredible brains behind these awesome machines and to the bravery of the men who manned them.

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Britain at War Magazine issue Amazing War Stories: Vehicles of D-Day

Britain at War Magazine  |  Amazing War Stories: Vehicles of D-Day  

There’s a piece of the puzzle that sometimes gets missed when we talk about how the Allies clinched victory in World War Two – our vehicles. Without a diverse fleet of machines, our troops wouldn’t have stood a chance against the formidable German defences while they battered their way through the terrain of Normandy in June 1944.

‘Hobart’s Funnies’ - ingenious modified tanks such as the ‘Sherman Crab’ - quickly cleared beach mines. Without them, supply lines would have been much harder to establish. Together with an endless stream of Bedford trucks, Willys Jeeps, and other vehicles they were the unsung heroes that ferried our soldiers to link up with paratroopers behind enemy lines.

They played a significant part on D-Day and beyond and they get their recognition in the pages of Amazing War Stories: Vehicles of D-Day. This 116-page special, compiled by the team behind Classic Military Vehicle magazine, is a salute to the incredible brains behind these awesome machines and to the bravery of the men who manned them.
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Britain at War Magazine

I enjoy the articles in the Britain At War Magazine, the accompanying photos and graphics are all excellent. Thank you. Revisto 25 julho 2020

Britain at War Magazine

Always well done. Topics are brought to light with detail and accuracy. Revisto 27 fevereiro 2020

Fantastic Mag Dedicated to Remembering Britain at War in 20C

Fantastic Mag Dedicated to Remembering Britain at War in 20C Revisto 26 outubro 2018

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