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delicious. Magazine October 2023 Edição anterior

163 Comentários   •  English   •   Family & Home (Food & Cooking)
Only €6,99
Seasonal delights abound in the October 2023 issue of delicious. magazine. Make mini pumpkin fondues, enjoy savoury and sweet recipes with chestnuts the star, and find on-trend ideas for mushrooms. Plus: let Tom Kerridge show you how to make his new pub snacks, learn how to use brown butter to make you a better cook, and bake a spookily good Halloween Mississippi mud pie.
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delicious. Magazine

October 2023 Seasonal delights abound in the October 2023 issue of delicious. magazine. Make mini pumpkin fondues, enjoy savoury and sweet recipes with chestnuts the star, and find on-trend ideas for mushrooms. Plus: let Tom Kerridge show you how to make his new pub snacks, learn how to use brown butter to make you a better cook, and bake a spookily good Halloween Mississippi mud pie.

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Esta edição e outras edições anteriores não estão incluídas numa delicious. Magazine inscrição. As assinaturas incluem a edição regular mais recente e os novos números lançados durante sua assinatura e começam a partir de €3,00 por edição . Se pretende subscrever, consulte o nosso Opções de assinatura
As poupanças são calculadas com base na compra comparável de edições únicas durante um período de subscrição anual e podem variar em relação aos montantes anunciados. Os cálculos destinam-se apenas a fins ilustrativos. As assinaturas digitais incluem a última edição e todas as edições regulares lançadas durante a sua assinatura, salvo indicação em contrário. O período escolhido será renovado automaticamente, exceto se for cancelado na área A minha conta até 24 horas antes do fim da assinatura atual.

An unashamed celebration of food, delicious. is an award-winning magazine featuring over 50 tried and tested, foolproof recipes and sumptuous food photography to accompany. A market leader, delicious. is a favourite for experienced and aspiring foodies alike. Designed to get your taste buds tingling, you’ll find a selection of recipes from the world’s best chefs and trusted local farmers who are genuinely passionate about helping you create really wonderful food.    

Recipes aside, there’s also a host of features on every aspect of food, from kitchen gadgets to travel and everything in between. If you’re passionate about cooking, then a delicious. digital subscription is not to be passed up. 

If you love cooking and eating really good food, you’ll find something to tempt you within delicious. magazine. Whether you’re a culinary expert or kitchen beginner, delicious. magazine is the ultimate magazine for foodies - taking your love and experience of great food to the next level.  Download the latest delicious. magazine to your device and enjoy immediately today!  

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