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DNA Magazine DNA #296 – Sexiest Men Alive Edição anterior

552 Comentários   •  English   •   Men's Interest (Gay)
Only €11,99
Welcome to Gay Christmas – DNA’s Sexiest Men Alive issue! We have a smorgasbord of hot hommes, hunky heartthrobs, and bang-able blokes you to enjoy drool over and savour!

But who? Well, included in the issue are some of the actors we’ve loved watching in action on our screens. And we mean action! There are some music stars who make us move, and also move us when they get their gear off! There are two of your favourite DNA cover stars from the last year. There are underwear models and Instafamous studs. And, on the cover, a man who is very big in the fans content universe, the spectacular Filou.

You may have enjoyed Filou’s work with other hot guys. Or you may prefer his work with women. Either way, he’s a superstar of adult entertainment right now, and it’s an honour to have him on our cover.

We’re not just celebrating hot men this month, we’re also recapping some of the hottest scenes from streaming and films over the last 12 months. Check out our Sexiest Sex Scenes feature.

It’s an issue packed with eye candy, but there’s much more! The hilarious Bianca Del Rio pops by to throw some shade. We preview an all-gay cruise to Antarctica, and we meet hot rock musician Michael Paynter, who is coming to the stage as Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar!

We review Jon Savage’s The Secret Public, a testament to the power of pop to effect social change for LGBTQIA+ people, plus other brand-new reads. We check out new music from Omar Apollo, Adam Lambert, Anohoni And The Johnson, Tama Gucci and the latest from the Red Hot + series. And on TV we are loving Japan’s gay reality hit, The Boyfriend.

Our Straight Mate is actor Carlos Sanson. He’s currently flirting with The Ladies In Black but, he reveals, he loves to party with us: “We were rocking crop tops, we had the funnest night, I love partying with gay men. They do it best!”

Photographer Roger Nguyen shares his sexy shoot with Jakub Stefano at age 23. And lots more!
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DNA Magazine

DNA #296 – Sexiest Men Alive Welcome to Gay Christmas – DNA’s Sexiest Men Alive issue! We have a smorgasbord of hot hommes, hunky heartthrobs, and bang-able blokes you to enjoy drool over and savour! But who? Well, included in the issue are some of the actors we’ve loved watching in action on our screens. And we mean action! There are some music stars who make us move, and also move us when they get their gear off! There are two of your favourite DNA cover stars from the last year. There are underwear models and Instafamous studs. And, on the cover, a man who is very big in the fans content universe, the spectacular Filou. You may have enjoyed Filou’s work with other hot guys. Or you may prefer his work with women. Either way, he’s a superstar of adult entertainment right now, and it’s an honour to have him on our cover. We’re not just celebrating hot men this month, we’re also recapping some of the hottest scenes from streaming and films over the last 12 months. Check out our Sexiest Sex Scenes feature. It’s an issue packed with eye candy, but there’s much more! The hilarious Bianca Del Rio pops by to throw some shade. We preview an all-gay cruise to Antarctica, and we meet hot rock musician Michael Paynter, who is coming to the stage as Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar! We review Jon Savage’s The Secret Public, a testament to the power of pop to effect social change for LGBTQIA+ people, plus other brand-new reads. We check out new music from Omar Apollo, Adam Lambert, Anohoni And The Johnson, Tama Gucci and the latest from the Red Hot + series. And on TV we are loving Japan’s gay reality hit, The Boyfriend. Our Straight Mate is actor Carlos Sanson. He’s currently flirting with The Ladies In Black but, he reveals, he loves to party with us: “We were rocking crop tops, we had the funnest night, I love partying with gay men. They do it best!” Photographer Roger Nguyen shares his sexy shoot with Jakub Stefano at age 23. And lots more!

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Launched in Australia in 2000, DNA magazine is your one-stop shop for the hottest news from the gay scene. Get the latest fashion advice from people in the know to make sure you’re looking on the top of your game and dressed to the nines. Kick back, relax and unwind after a long week with interesting, topical and often controversial features to stick your teeth into each month.

Each issue brings you coverage of the hottest and most loved gay stars of the moment, such as Troye Sivan, Ricky Martin, Sam Smith, Matt Bomer and many more.

Now available worldwide in bookstores throughout Canada, US, UK and Europe, why not join the thousands of global readers with a monthly subscription to DNA magazine - the ultimate magazine for gay men. Subscribe today! 


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