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Future Classics Magazine Issue 22- Dec 22 Edição anterior

1 Comentários   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Future Classics is the new name for Bargain Cars and in the December issue we round up a selection of fun winter cars for a £3000 budget, consider Mercedes’ Range Rover-challenging GL-Class, try to choose between the Jaguar XJ and the Bentley Flying Spur and bring you all the information you’ll need when buying the E60 generation of the BMW 5-Series. Plus we find out what it’s like to live with the Porsche Boxster and what to expect from an older EV in the shape of the Nissan Leaf.
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Future Classics

Issue 22- Dec 22 Future Classics is the new name for Bargain Cars and in the December issue we round up a selection of fun winter cars for a £3000 budget, consider Mercedes’ Range Rover-challenging GL-Class, try to choose between the Jaguar XJ and the Bentley Flying Spur and bring you all the information you’ll need when buying the E60 generation of the BMW 5-Series. Plus we find out what it’s like to live with the Porsche Boxster and what to expect from an older EV in the shape of the Nissan Leaf.

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