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Future Music Magazine April 2023 Edição anterior

88 Comentários   •  English   •   Music (Other)
IN THE STUDIO WITH… Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Ahead of sixth album V, Ruban Nielson shares his wisdom on the joy of rejecting ‘polish’, eBay oddities and more

Reviewed: Roland SH-4d

Classic Album: Palm Skin Productions, Remilixir
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Future Music

April 2023 IN THE STUDIO WITH… Unknown Mortal Orchestra Ahead of sixth album V, Ruban Nielson shares his wisdom on the joy of rejecting ‘polish’, eBay oddities and more Reviewed: Roland SH-4d Classic Album: Palm Skin Productions, Remilixir

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Issue Cover

Future Music  |  April 2023  

IN THE STUDIO WITH… Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Ahead of sixth album V, Ruban Nielson shares his wisdom on the joy of rejecting ‘polish’, eBay oddities and more

Reviewed: Roland SH-4d

Classic Album: Palm Skin Productions, Remilixir
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Ever wanted to get inside the mind of your favourite producer to find out how they mixed your favourite songs? In ‘The Studio’ feature, Future Music holds regular in-depth interviews with some of the world’s top producers - including Noisia, Chromeo, Pendulum, Nicky Romero and Swedish House Mafia.

As a subscriber, you’ll gain exclusive access to deals and coupons not found anywhere else! You’ll never miss the next big release, as each issue provides a roundup of all major events and launches.

Tech head? Find in-depth reviews on all the latest gear - from synths and mixers to speakers and microphones, as well as news on all the latest releases. 

A Future Music digital magazine subscription is a must for music producers of all ages, enjoy:

  • All access interviews with top producers
  • Intriguing insight from expert writers
  • Articles on today’s superstars and tomorrow’s world beaters
  • Detailed coverage of all major tournaments and club competitions
  • Regular feature; ‘The Studio’
  • All the latest gear reviews
  • Delivered directly to your device every month
  • A discount off the RRP of your magazine

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Com base em 88 Comentários de clientes
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Future Music

I just don't know how so many people can read this as this is packed with tech jargon. Well written and illustrated though. Revisto 10 março 2021

Future Music

Thanks! Revisto 04 novembro 2020

Future Music

Outstanding Revisto 01 novembro 2020

Future Music

I like the indepth showcasing of techniques as well as tips for hot new music Revisto 22 setembro 2020

Future Music

nice content Revisto 02 junho 2020

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