Garden Rail  |  Garden Rail Free Sample Issue
When we decided to put this sampler together, my first job was to look through the last few years of the magazine and pick out some articles for you to enjoy. But, how to decide?
Obviously, you could tell me to pick the best ñ but that depends on how you define ìbestî. Garden Rail covers all the scales from Gauge 1 to Gauge 3, 16mm and G scale, and anything else along these lines.
Our writers are running everything from scratchbuilt battery electric models costing little more than a couple of pints, right up to live steam Beyer-Garratts.
Some railways are tiny affairs running on a patio, others fill substantial gardens. We’ve modellers who have been at the workbench for decades alongside those who have only started in the mast couple of years.
The one thing everyone has in common is they enjoy their hobby, and want to inspire you to join our numbers and enjoy yours.
In the end, I’ve tried to pick a nice mix of features that showcase the great modelling we bring you every month. I hope you enjoy them.
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• Um desconto no PVP da sua revista
• A sua revista entregue no seu dispositivo todos os meses
• Nunca perderá uma edição
• Está protegido contra aumentos de preços que possam ocorrer no final do ano
Receberá 12 edições durante um ano Garden Rail assinatura da revista.
Nota: As edições digitais não incluem os artigos de capa ou os suplementos que se encontram nos exemplares impressos.
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