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Experimente uma amostra GRATUITA de Gluten-Free Heaven
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Gluten-Free Heaven Magazine

12 edições por ano   |  English
17 Comentários   •  English   •   Family & Home (Food & Cooking)

From health loving hipsters to those with food intolerances, ‘gluten-free’ is taking over diets everywhere. With gluten-free shops popping up all over the place and a huge shift in modern eating habits, Gluten-Free Heaven magazine is just the supplement you need - whatever your reason for switching to the gluten-free life. Offering multiple health benefits and absolutely no loss of flavour or taste, Gluten-Free Heaven magazine brings you the best from the gluten-free world.

Every single issue is packed full of over 100 gluten-free recipes for you to try at home and impress your friends! Whether it’s a delicious lasagne for a dinner party, a triple-layered birthday cake to celebrate a loved one's special day, or even if you’re just baking for yourself, there is something for everyone inside Gluten-Free Heaven.

Enjoy reviews of the latest products, interviews with personalities and chefs and competitions you won’t find anywhere else. Subscribe to Gluten-Free Heaven Magazine today and make your life a whole lot tastier!

Gluten-Free Heaven Preview PagesGluten-Free Heaven Preview Pages

Gluten-Free Heaven

Gluten-Free Heaven April 2020 Welcome to the SPRING issue of Gluten-Free Heaven, and what a prolonged winter we've had to endure – so much rain and so much devastation across the country. However, the daffodils are out, the lawn has finally had a trim and the water tap from up high has tightened its nozzle somewhat. Best of all though, we are into spring food, which means lovely greens, light and healthy tarts and pies, frittatas and salads bursting with vibrant colours, and of course flavour. We have put together a spring section of recipes that covers all those ideas and many more. Also this issue, we continue with our gluten-free Q&A series, answering everyday questions you might have about living on a gf diet. We also get to the bottom of common misconceptions about coeliac disease and gluten intolerance, cook cauliflower eight ways and go back to 'pastry school', where we learn to make a simple and staple sweet or savoury pastry, perfect for those lovely spring pies and tarts we can now get stuck into! We hope you enjoy trying some of the recipes this issue – please do let us know how you have got on. Anyway, until next month, cheers!

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Gluten-Free Heaven issue Gluten-Free Heaven April 2020

Gluten-Free Heaven  |  Gluten-Free Heaven April 2020  

Welcome to the SPRING issue of Gluten-Free Heaven, and what a prolonged winter we've had to endure – so much rain and so much devastation across the country. However, the daffodils are out, the lawn has finally had a trim and the water tap from up high has tightened its nozzle somewhat. Best of all though, we are into spring food, which means lovely greens, light and healthy tarts and pies, frittatas and salads bursting with vibrant colours, and of course flavour.

We have put together a spring section of recipes that covers all those ideas and many more. Also this issue, we continue with our gluten-free Q&A series, answering everyday questions you might have about living on a gf diet. We also get to the bottom of common misconceptions about coeliac disease and gluten intolerance, cook cauliflower eight ways and go back to 'pastry school', where we learn to make a simple and staple sweet or savoury pastry, perfect for those lovely spring pies and tarts we can now get stuck into! We hope you enjoy trying some of the recipes this issue – please do let us know how you have got on. Anyway, until next month, cheers!
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Experimente uma amostra GRATUITA de Gluten-Free Heaven
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