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History of War Magazine Issue 59 Edição anterior

41 Comentários   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
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Although the heroic ‘Few’ honoured in Churchill’s famous speech have rightly deserved the decades of laudation since 1940, this has arguably sidelined the significant contribution of the forgotten ‘many’ who supported them. This issue, we explore how the RAF’s ground crews and auxiliary forces kept Fighter Command’s pilots in the air, forming a vital support network during perilous dogfights with the Luftwaffe. Thousands of mechanics, observers, firefighters and the brave ranks of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force contributed to the defence of the UK. All were crucial in the climactic victory on 15 September now annually commemorated.
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History of War

Issue 59 BATTLE OF BRITAIN'S: UNSUNG HEROES Although the heroic ‘Few’ honoured in Churchill’s famous speech have rightly deserved the decades of laudation since 1940, this has arguably sidelined the significant contribution of the forgotten ‘many’ who supported them. This issue, we explore how the RAF’s ground crews and auxiliary forces kept Fighter Command’s pilots in the air, forming a vital support network during perilous dogfights with the Luftwaffe. Thousands of mechanics, observers, firefighters and the brave ranks of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force contributed to the defence of the UK. All were crucial in the climactic victory on 15 September now annually commemorated.

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Issue Cover

History of War  |  Issue 59  

Although the heroic ‘Few’ honoured in Churchill’s famous speech have rightly deserved the decades of laudation since 1940, this has arguably sidelined the significant contribution of the forgotten ‘many’ who supported them. This issue, we explore how the RAF’s ground crews and auxiliary forces kept Fighter Command’s pilots in the air, forming a vital support network during perilous dogfights with the Luftwaffe. Thousands of mechanics, observers, firefighters and the brave ranks of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force contributed to the defence of the UK. All were crucial in the climactic victory on 15 September now annually commemorated.
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From the epic sieges of Medieval Europe to the daring dogfights of World War II, History of War takes you inside the minds of fighting men, under the bonnets of some of the world's most devastating war machines, and high above the battlefield to see the broad sweep of conflict as it happened.

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Com base em 41 Comentários de clientes
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Great little magazine

I received an offer where I could choose a free magazine to look at and chose this. I have to say it is a really good magazine, very informative and I will definitely be downloading future issues. Revisto 06 janeiro 2022

History of War

great read Revisto 08 julho 2021

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