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Lonely Planet Magazine January 2017 Edição anterior

4 Comentários   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Travel)
In the Jnuary 2017 issue...

It’s time to choose whether to embrace the winter or escape it – and we’ve got a list of great hotels around the world for either option. Among our features this month is a Great Escape to Taiwan, where it never really gets cold; a trip to the west of Iceland to discover this land of sagas; a Perfect Weekend in Riga – Latvia’s charmer of a capital; a snowshoe walk up to an age-old refuge on Switzerland’s Great St Bernard Pass; and much more
Lonely Planet Preview PagesLonely Planet Preview Pages

Lonely Planet

January 2017 In the Jnuary 2017 issue... It’s time to choose whether to embrace the winter or escape it – and we’ve got a list of great hotels around the world for either option. Among our features this month is a Great Escape to Taiwan, where it never really gets cold; a trip to the west of Iceland to discover this land of sagas; a Perfect Weekend in Riga – Latvia’s charmer of a capital; a snowshoe walk up to an age-old refuge on Switzerland’s Great St Bernard Pass; and much more

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Take a journey around the world with every digital issue of Lonely Planet Traveller and be inspired to plan your next getaway. This award-winning magazine brings you fascinating features and articles that explore incredible destinations and hidden gems all around the globe. Everything you need and want to know about the culture, history, food, drink or natural wonders of a destination can be found within Lonely Planet Traveller magazine.

Lonely Planet Traveller made its claim to fame in the travel and tourism industry for its accurate and reliable trend-watching in travel destinations. With travel news and updates for different regions, new hotels that are popping up around the globe, guides to the most beautiful and exotic places to visit and so much more - Lonely Planet Traveller is the expert in travel and adventure and the guide you need to plan your next great escape.

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