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Making Jewellery Magazine May 2012 Edição anterior

12 Comentários   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Arts & Crafts)
Look forward to an ‘early summer breeze’ with the May issue of Making Jewellery! This month your favourite jewellery making magazine is inspired by the impending arrival of summer with plenty of bright, fun designs to make you smile. Try your hand at a variety of techniques and materials from beading, polymer and resin to lampworking, metal clay and silver smithing. Also in the issue; learn to make simple chains from jumprings using hot and cold connections, top tips on how to get your work published in a magazine and meet the hottest jewellery designers from London Fashion Week.
• 30 stylish jewellery making projects
• Meet Sue Gregor, who creates acrylic jewellery using the detail from plants
• Clair Wolfe trials three pairs of Xuron’s most popular pliers
• Q&A with metal clay guru Julia Rai
• Steal Kim Kardashian’s look in celebrity style
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Making Jewellery

May 2012 Look forward to an ‘early summer breeze’ with the May issue of Making Jewellery! This month your favourite jewellery making magazine is inspired by the impending arrival of summer with plenty of bright, fun designs to make you smile. Try your hand at a variety of techniques and materials from beading, polymer and resin to lampworking, metal clay and silver smithing. Also in the issue; learn to make simple chains from jumprings using hot and cold connections, top tips on how to get your work published in a magazine and meet the hottest jewellery designers from London Fashion Week. • 30 stylish jewellery making projects • Meet Sue Gregor, who creates acrylic jewellery using the detail from plants • Clair Wolfe trials three pairs of Xuron’s most popular pliers • Q&A with metal clay guru Julia Rai • Steal Kim Kardashian’s look in celebrity style

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Issue Cover

Making Jewellery  |  May 2012  

Look forward to an ‘early summer breeze’ with the May issue of Making Jewellery! This month your favourite jewellery making magazine is inspired by the impending arrival of summer with plenty of bright, fun designs to make you smile. Try your hand at a variety of techniques and materials from beading, polymer and resin to lampworking, metal clay and silver smithing. Also in the issue; learn to make simple chains from jumprings using hot and cold connections, top tips on how to get your work published in a magazine and meet the hottest jewellery designers from London Fashion Week.
• 30 stylish jewellery making projects
• Meet Sue Gregor, who creates acrylic jewellery using the detail from plants
• Clair Wolfe trials three pairs of Xuron’s most popular pliers
• Q&A with metal clay guru Julia Rai
• Steal Kim Kardashian’s look in celebrity style
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Making Jewellery magazine includes 132 pages packed with in-depth information on all aspects of jewellery making, from techniques and projects to interviews with master makers. Each issue focusses on a material or jewellery-making discipline including metal clay, polymer clay, mixed media and wirework. Our techniques and projects are broken down into detail with step-by-step pictures and instructions to make the process clear and easy to follow. Each issue also features news, an events calendar, reviews and articles of topical interest in the jewellery world. Every quarter the issue is a professional one aimed at those interested in business and selling their jewellery. These issues focus on the business side of making jewellery along with articles about metals, gems and tools.

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Com base em 12 Comentários de clientes
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Making Jewellery

Great projects
Revisto 26 março 2020

Great magazine

I'm really enjoyed this issue. It was so good that I've purchased a subscription to this magazine. Revisto 09 março 2017

good magazine app

I like this app;but the free issue I got took forever to download. Other than that, just like the newsstand issues. I wish the single issues were a little cheaper.I realize this magazine cost more on newstands because it is an import,but digital??? Love the contents~and the pictures show up wonderfully. Revisto 24 novembro 2012

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