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Model Boats Magazine June 2013 Edição anterior

174 Comentários   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Scale Modelling)
Only €6,99
Build a semi-scale American river ferry.

Model Boats reader goes nuclear!

Fast Patrol Launch,
Full kit review.
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Model Boats

June 2013 Ogdensburg! Build a semi-scale American river ferry. NR-1 Model Boats reader goes nuclear! Fast Patrol Launch, Full kit review.

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Issue Cover

Model Boats  |  June 2013  

Build a semi-scale American river ferry.

Model Boats reader goes nuclear!

Fast Patrol Launch,
Full kit review.
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Model Boats is the world’s leading title for radio-controlled model boats and scale modelling enthusiasts. Each issue is packed with a variety of projects, helpful and practical tips and tricks, kit reviews, new releases and everything you need to know about building a model boat from scratch. 

Whether you’re new to the hobby or an experienced modeller, Model Boats caters to all boat modelling enthusiasts who are passionate about broadening their skill sets and perfecting their craft. Get inspired for your next project by a wide variety of radio-controlled boats in every issue such as model and full-size warships, yachts, cruise ships, petrol-powered, wind-powered, state galleons, lifeboats and more.

Ready to start building your ideal model boat? Enjoy step-by-step guides, detailed illustrations and practical advice to help you build your best boat model yet. Subscribe to Model Boats today and get every monthly issue delivered directly to your device.

Expand your scale modelling knowledge and perfect your craft with a Model Boats digital magazine. Subscribe today and get inspired to start your next project! Enjoy:

  • Your go-to destination for all radio-controlled boat modelling advice, tips, tricks, and guides 
  • Improve your skills with practical and useful tips and tricks
  • Building and design plans to inspire your next project
  • Exclusive features on the boats that are sailing our seas
  • The latest kit reviews and news from the boat modelling community
  • Step-by-step guides for building various type of model boats
  • Suitable for all boat modelling enthusiasts at any level!
  • A discount off the RRP of your magazine 
  • Never miss an issue
  • Delivered directly to your device

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Com base em 174 Comentários de clientes
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Model Boats

Very good interesting read every month. Covers most aspects of model boats. plenty of information on all things R/C boats. Revisto 17 fevereiro 2021

Model Boats

I live in the USA and we have no tradition of model boating here. It is always a pleasure to receive your new issues, they give me many ideas, projects and great joy. Thanks Revisto 09 fevereiro 2021

Model Boats

Excellent magazine Revisto 27 outubro 2020

Model Boats

I started reading Model Boats in 1963, the whole scene has changed dramatically in those intervening years and sadly it seems that it is mostly older people who read the mag and keep the hobby alive, I have returned to the hobby after nearly 30 years away, the guidance offered in the magazine is most helpful Revisto 30 março 2020

Model Boats

What can I say? By far the best modelling magazine ever. I started with Model Maker April 1956! Revisto 13 fevereiro 2020

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