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Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine May 17 Edição anterior

278 Comentários   •  English   •   Family & Home (DIY)
Only €5,99
This month’s Model Engineers workshop, issue 254 features A TOOL HEIGHT GAUGE Make this simple but essential workshop aid from Mike Turner.

SILVER SOLDERING A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE David Banham introduces a wide-ranging review of this important technique
ONE MAN AND HIS LATHE This month we visit Andrew Johnston to see his Harrison M300.
AN EMERGENCY REPAIR Oh dear - a ‘lathe crash’! Howard Lewis bends it and mends it!
USEFUL TECHNIQUES FOR THE HOBBY WORKSHOP More excellent tips and techniques from Darren Conway.
SPARK EROSION Often seen as an esoteric technique only suitable for the hobby workshop in its simplest forms, Ben Tubbing proves the capabilities of this powerful technique.
WORKSHOP DIET Is your workshop bursting at the seams? Glen Bunt decided to put his on a diet!
LONG TRAVEL THREADING GUIDE FOR THE LATHE Completing this useful accessory from Martin Berry’s workshop.
A RESCUE JOB FOR A COVMAC LATHE Returning to our emergency theme, Brian Wood saves the day for a fellow forum member.
TIME FOR A LATHE BED REGRIND? Laurie Leonard lifts the lid on refreshing a worn out machine.
EXTENDING THE CAPABILITIES OF THE JACOBS GEAR HOBBER Many builders of a Jacobs-type gear hobber would like to cut more complex gears. Chris Robinson explores the options.
Plus all our regular features!
On the Cover
This month’s cover features Andrew Johnston machining a hefty helical gear for his traction engine build. See this month’s One Man and His Lathe to find out more about Andrew’s workshop equipment.
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Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine

May 17 This month’s Model Engineers workshop, issue 254 features A TOOL HEIGHT GAUGE Make this simple but essential workshop aid from Mike Turner. SILVER SOLDERING A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE David Banham introduces a wide-ranging review of this important technique ONE MAN AND HIS LATHE This month we visit Andrew Johnston to see his Harrison M300. AN EMERGENCY REPAIR Oh dear - a ‘lathe crash’! Howard Lewis bends it and mends it! USEFUL TECHNIQUES FOR THE HOBBY WORKSHOP More excellent tips and techniques from Darren Conway. SPARK EROSION Often seen as an esoteric technique only suitable for the hobby workshop in its simplest forms, Ben Tubbing proves the capabilities of this powerful technique. WORKSHOP DIET Is your workshop bursting at the seams? Glen Bunt decided to put his on a diet! LONG TRAVEL THREADING GUIDE FOR THE LATHE Completing this useful accessory from Martin Berry’s workshop. A RESCUE JOB FOR A COVMAC LATHE Returning to our emergency theme, Brian Wood saves the day for a fellow forum member. TIME FOR A LATHE BED REGRIND? Laurie Leonard lifts the lid on refreshing a worn out machine. EXTENDING THE CAPABILITIES OF THE JACOBS GEAR HOBBER Many builders of a Jacobs-type gear hobber would like to cut more complex gears. Chris Robinson explores the options. Plus all our regular features! On the Cover This month’s cover features Andrew Johnston machining a hefty helical gear for his traction engine build. See this month’s One Man and His Lathe to find out more about Andrew’s workshop equipment.

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Issue Cover

Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine  |  May 17  

This month’s Model Engineers workshop, issue 254 features A TOOL HEIGHT GAUGE Make this simple but essential workshop aid from Mike Turner.

SILVER SOLDERING A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE David Banham introduces a wide-ranging review of this important technique
ONE MAN AND HIS LATHE This month we visit Andrew Johnston to see his Harrison M300.
AN EMERGENCY REPAIR Oh dear - a ‘lathe crash’! Howard Lewis bends it and mends it!
USEFUL TECHNIQUES FOR THE HOBBY WORKSHOP More excellent tips and techniques from Darren Conway.
SPARK EROSION Often seen as an esoteric technique only suitable for the hobby workshop in its simplest forms, Ben Tubbing proves the capabilities of this powerful technique.
WORKSHOP DIET Is your workshop bursting at the seams? Glen Bunt decided to put his on a diet!
LONG TRAVEL THREADING GUIDE FOR THE LATHE Completing this useful accessory from Martin Berry’s workshop.
A RESCUE JOB FOR A COVMAC LATHE Returning to our emergency theme, Brian Wood saves the day for a fellow forum member.
TIME FOR A LATHE BED REGRIND? Laurie Leonard lifts the lid on refreshing a worn out machine.
EXTENDING THE CAPABILITIES OF THE JACOBS GEAR HOBBER Many builders of a Jacobs-type gear hobber would like to cut more complex gears. Chris Robinson explores the options.
Plus all our regular features!
On the Cover
This month’s cover features Andrew Johnston machining a hefty helical gear for his traction engine build. See this month’s One Man and His Lathe to find out more about Andrew’s workshop equipment.
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This superb magazine deals with machines, materials, processes and techniques for precision metalwork. It's a must read for the serious model engineering hobbyists

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Com base em 278 Comentários de clientes
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Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine

Great projects and articles Revisto 10 dezembro 2021

Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine

Always something to learn, even from projects I will never make. Revisto 12 novembro 2021

Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine

Lots of excellent projects to build. Revisto 15 janeiro 2021

Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine

Giving it a 5 leaves no room for improvement Revisto 19 agosto 2020

Model Engineers' Workshop Magazine

I have read model enginers Workshop sinse it came out head not as good now but still look forword to the read Revisto 01 maio 2020

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