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net Magazine Jan-15 Edição anterior

10 Comentários   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Internet)
Discover the power of SVG effects - Why you should use scalable vector graphics today. Plus we show you how to build Apps the easy way. Web vs mobile apps, native vs hybrid, the top frameworks, distribution tips & much more!
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Jan-15 Discover the power of SVG effects - Why you should use scalable vector graphics today. Plus we show you how to build Apps the easy way. Web vs mobile apps, native vs hybrid, the top frameworks, distribution tips & much more!

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Issue Cover

net  |  Jan-15  

Discover the power of SVG effects - Why you should use scalable vector graphics today. Plus we show you how to build Apps the easy way. Web vs mobile apps, native vs hybrid, the top frameworks, distribution tips & much more!
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Established in 1994, net magazine has been the number one choice for website design and development professionals. A net magazine subscription is the perfect read for someone who is serious about the web and wants to drive their career and skills forward. Plus, net magazine offers you a deep analysis of the most relevant topics and ideas flying around the world of web development and design.

net magazine brings you to the vanguard of web development with insightful interviews featuring some of the greatest names in the design and creative industry. Not only does net magazine give you invaluable knowledge on web design, but it also informs you of the relevant happenings in other industries that are related. From social media marketing, website SEO and PPC, net magazine always keeps you in the loop!

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Com base em 10 Comentários de clientes
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Fantastic Tech Mag for Geeks

Fantastic Tech Mag for Geeks - used to be a subscriber in my web designing days, still a great mag. Revisto 25 outubro 2018

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