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Performance VW Magazine PVW Show Special 2014 Edição especial

61 Comentários   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Only €5,99
Performance VW
Show Special 2014/15

Not content with producing 12 issue a year like most normal publications, we wanted to give you guys that little bit extra. In fact, on paper it's really quite a lot extra; Rammed with not just feature cars, but also no less than 13 show reports, a huge list of 2015 dates for your diary, plus a massive, pull-out wall planner (to ensure you don’t miss a single event next year) absolutely free, you'd be a fool not to pick up a copy! Well, what are you waiting for…?
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Performance VW

PVW Show Special 2014 Performance VW Show Special 2014/15 Not content with producing 12 issue a year like most normal publications, we wanted to give you guys that little bit extra. In fact, on paper it's really quite a lot extra; Rammed with not just feature cars, but also no less than 13 show reports, a huge list of 2015 dates for your diary, plus a massive, pull-out wall planner (to ensure you don’t miss a single event next year) absolutely free, you'd be a fool not to pick up a copy! Well, what are you waiting for…?

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Edição especial digital PVW Show Special 2014
5,99 / issue
Esta edição especial não está incluída numa Performance VW inscrição. As assinaturas incluem a edição regular mais recente e os novos números lançados durante sua assinatura e começam a partir de €3,83 por edição

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Issue Cover

Performance VW  |  PVW Show Special 2014  

Performance VW
Show Special 2014/15

Not content with producing 12 issue a year like most normal publications, we wanted to give you guys that little bit extra. In fact, on paper it's really quite a lot extra; Rammed with not just feature cars, but also no less than 13 show reports, a huge list of 2015 dates for your diary, plus a massive, pull-out wall planner (to ensure you don’t miss a single event next year) absolutely free, you'd be a fool not to pick up a copy! Well, what are you waiting for…?
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If you're in to modified VWs then you need to be into Performance VW, the only publication that delivers hardcore VW junkies a guaranteed Dub hit on a monthly basis.

Performance VW has been at the forefront of modified Volkswagens for over a decade now and has been instrumental in shaping the scene into the most innovative of its kind. It really is the only magazine that caters for true Dub enthusiasts. Whether you're after debuts on the world's fastest, finest and most fun VAG metal, or simply want inspiration from the quirkiest daily drivers, then there is only one place to be: PVW Magazine.

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Receberá 12 edições durante um ano Performance VW assinatura da revista.

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Com base em 61 Comentários de clientes
Ver críticas

Performance VW

Must read for any die hard Volkswagen Group enthusiast Revisto 18 julho 2020

Performance VW

love it never miss one Revisto 05 março 2020

Performance VW

Love the balance of various cars, stock, slight mod and full on race cars, keep the great work up, best VW magazine. Revisto 18 fevereiro 2020


Great MAG, Love reagind it, great coverage. Revisto 18 fevereiro 2013


Glad there's a cheaper way to get PVW in the states now! I can finally catch up on every issue I've ever missed! Great app, and the prices are expensive for a phone, but are very reasonable on a larger screen. Plus awesome quality! Revisto 23 novembro 2012

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