Pike & Predators | 190
This month’s Pike & Predators is available to download now!
In this month’s issue:
- Dermot Ogle – Confessions of a Lure Addict
Dermot has a problem, but doesn’t need a doctor… yet!
- John Copeman – Big Perch from Concrete Bowls
John obviously moves in concentric circles.
- The Paul Garner Interview – Neville Fickling
Everyone has heard of Dr Paul Garner, but what does he really think and does he enjoy his work?
- Jon Neafcy – Are Angling Targets Important?
Having targets can help increase your success and enjoyment.
- Mark Barrett – For Starters: Casting with a Multiplier
Mark covers a new subject to benefit newcomers to the sport.
- John Goble – Just Like London Buses
John had never caught a 27lb pike – then he caught two!
- Neville Fickling’s Predator Column – It’s List Time
Nev looks at how the movers and shakers in pike fishing got on last season.
- Vaclav Fikar – A Silver Challenge
Vaclav from the Czech Republic tells us about the interesting predator known as the asp.
- Lee Corrigan – Sod’s Law
Lee spends a day trying to get his son, Keith, a new PB.
Plus, Predatorial, the PAC Pages, Predator Products, Biteback and Classifieds.
Great giveaways:
- Where’s the Catch? Competition
- Savage Gear Monthly Winner
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Artigos desta edição
Segue-se uma seleção de artigos em Pike & Predators 190.