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Practical Reptile Keeping Magazine PPS Reptile Health Care Edição especial

22 Comentários   •  English   •   Family & Home (Animals & Pets)
Only €9,99
Drawing on the experiences of leading veterinarians involved in the care of this group of creatures, here is the very latest advice, helping you to keep your reptiles healthy, and also to recognise any signs of illness at an early stage. In addition, there is plenty of information included about the growing range of diagnostic tests and treatment options that are now available. A range of ‘real life’ case studies are also included, alerting you to unexpected problems that can arise and reinforcing the practical value of this publication for all reptile keepers.
Practical Reptile Keeping Preview PagesPractical Reptile Keeping Preview Pages

Practical Reptile Keeping

PPS Reptile Health Care Drawing on the experiences of leading veterinarians involved in the care of this group of creatures, here is the very latest advice, helping you to keep your reptiles healthy, and also to recognise any signs of illness at an early stage. In addition, there is plenty of information included about the growing range of diagnostic tests and treatment options that are now available. A range of ‘real life’ case studies are also included, alerting you to unexpected problems that can arise and reinforcing the practical value of this publication for all reptile keepers.

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Edição especial digital PPS Reptile Health Care
9,99 / issue
Esta edição especial não está incluída numa Practical Reptile Keeping inscrição. As assinaturas incluem a edição regular mais recente e os novos números lançados durante sua assinatura e começam a partir de €3,33 por edição no Subscription & Back Issue Sale - General Interest oferta.

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As poupanças são calculadas com base na compra comparável de edições únicas durante um período de subscrição anual e podem variar em relação aos montantes anunciados. Os cálculos destinam-se apenas a fins ilustrativos. As assinaturas digitais incluem a última edição e todas as edições regulares lançadas durante a sua assinatura, salvo indicação em contrário. O período escolhido será renovado automaticamente, exceto se for cancelado na área A minha conta até 24 horas antes do fim da assinatura atual.

Com base em 22 Comentários de clientes
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Reptile Keeping Made Easy

My son loves this and it's enabled him to grow his reptile collection. Revisto 15 abril 2019
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