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Retro Gamer Magazine Issue 175 Edição anterior

66 Comentários   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Gaming)
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There’s a little running joke in the office when every month we change Nick’s favourite game of all time to Sonic The Hedgehog 2, only for it to get changed back again. He’s a huge fan of Sonic, one of the biggest We know, so we never miss the opportunity to suggest that Sonic 2 was the better game. In fact, in the four years of working with him we’ve finally managed to get him to admit that the sequel has better music. we are sure with enough time we’ll get him to agree with me on Sonic 2’s status as the best 2D Sonic game, but we’ll take my victories where we can get them. But what makes the game so special? That is what we explore this issue.
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Retro Gamer

Issue 175 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2 There’s a little running joke in the office when every month we change Nick’s favourite game of all time to Sonic The Hedgehog 2, only for it to get changed back again. He’s a huge fan of Sonic, one of the biggest We know, so we never miss the opportunity to suggest that Sonic 2 was the better game. In fact, in the four years of working with him we’ve finally managed to get him to admit that the sequel has better music. we are sure with enough time we’ll get him to agree with me on Sonic 2’s status as the best 2D Sonic game, but we’ll take my victories where we can get them. But what makes the game so special? That is what we explore this issue.

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Issue Cover

Retro Gamer  |  Issue 175  

There’s a little running joke in the office when every month we change Nick’s favourite game of all time to Sonic The Hedgehog 2, only for it to get changed back again. He’s a huge fan of Sonic, one of the biggest We know, so we never miss the opportunity to suggest that Sonic 2 was the better game. In fact, in the four years of working with him we’ve finally managed to get him to admit that the sequel has better music. we are sure with enough time we’ll get him to agree with me on Sonic 2’s status as the best 2D Sonic game, but we’ll take my victories where we can get them. But what makes the game so special? That is what we explore this issue.
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If you're a fan of Jet Set Willy, or still feel that the Spectrum is the best games machine of all time then Retro Gamer is a must-have.

The only magazine in the UK totally dedicated to all aspects of retro gaming, every issue contains exclusive interviews with classic developers of old, goes behind the scenes of some of the biggest games of all time, reveals fascinating new facts about all of your favourite games and features the best games released for every console in the last 20 years!

Retro Gamer also offers reviews on the latest retro-themed games and boasts an in-depth buyer's guide for those wanting to add to their existing collections…

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Com base em 66 Comentários de clientes
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Retro Gamer

It is the best magazine of its kind. Revisto 21 agosto 2020

Retro Gamer

great content Revisto 17 agosto 2020

Retro Gamer

I simply love this magazine! I wish I could buy more back issues. Revisto 30 julho 2020

Retro Gamer

The best magazine for retro gaming enthusiasts. Full of info and memories! Revisto 17 abril 2020

Retro Gamer

beatiful magazine , full of interesting news about retro games Revisto 06 abril 2020

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