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Sporting Rifle Books A Foxing Life Edição especial

0 Comentários   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
Mike Powell’s life has, in one way or another, run parallel to that of the fox. From running a fox control business and keepering, to making a living from selling their skins, the fox has always been present.
Today, Mike passes on his knowledge of the fox and details his dealings with Charlie over the course of his life in this new book: A Foxing Life with Gun and Rifle. The book traces Mike’s early years in foxing, before delving into the various methods open to fox controllers, revealing his own hints and tips and discussing how these have evolved over his time hunting this wily predator.
This book is a must-have resource for those who, like Mike, tangle with foxes on a regular basis, but more than a mere hunting manual, it’s the story of one man’s lifelong adventures with his quarry and testament to the skill required to achieve the level of hunting success Mike has in his lifetime.
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Sporting Rifle Books

A Foxing Life Mike Powell’s life has, in one way or another, run parallel to that of the fox. From running a fox control business and keepering, to making a living from selling their skins, the fox has always been present. Today, Mike passes on his knowledge of the fox and details his dealings with Charlie over the course of his life in this new book: A Foxing Life with Gun and Rifle. The book traces Mike’s early years in foxing, before delving into the various methods open to fox controllers, revealing his own hints and tips and discussing how these have evolved over his time hunting this wily predator. This book is a must-have resource for those who, like Mike, tangle with foxes on a regular basis, but more than a mere hunting manual, it’s the story of one man’s lifelong adventures with his quarry and testament to the skill required to achieve the level of hunting success Mike has in his lifetime.

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