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Sporting Rifle Books In the Shooting Field Edição anterior

0 Comentários   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
David is a passionate, all-round sportsman. Since shooting his first rat at the age of eight, he has packed into life an immense schedule of shooting, stalking, and fishing.
His energy and enthusiasm is quite remarkable, and I reckon he probably needs three lifetimes to get close to satisfying his appetite for such pursuits. It is, of course, his life, together with those around him for whom he cares dearly; particularly his immediate family, who have had to keep up with the schedule. David takes his sport seriously and, as you will read, there is not much he has not done in the shooting fi eld. He has had his moments as a great shot, and within this book he recalls some of those occasions that will remain with him and his friends forever. He is the perfect guest, whether on a formal day or a ‘knock about’ with a couple of friends, the latter of which he probably enjoys the most.
As a writer he has become well known in the shooting press for his legal expertise and advice to fellow sportsman. However, David not only possesses a great legal mind, but an enviable ability to recall, in lucid detail, those moments in fieldsports that excite us all. This was evident in his first book, On The Deer Path, where some of his experiences in stalking deer are recalled in evocative fashion. This delightful book is no exception. It captures the imagination, and is the very essence of why we go shooting.
John Thornley OBE
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Sporting Rifle Books

In the Shooting Field David is a passionate, all-round sportsman. Since shooting his first rat at the age of eight, he has packed into life an immense schedule of shooting, stalking, and fishing. His energy and enthusiasm is quite remarkable, and I reckon he probably needs three lifetimes to get close to satisfying his appetite for such pursuits. It is, of course, his life, together with those around him for whom he cares dearly; particularly his immediate family, who have had to keep up with the schedule. David takes his sport seriously and, as you will read, there is not much he has not done in the shooting fi eld. He has had his moments as a great shot, and within this book he recalls some of those occasions that will remain with him and his friends forever. He is the perfect guest, whether on a formal day or a ‘knock about’ with a couple of friends, the latter of which he probably enjoys the most. As a writer he has become well known in the shooting press for his legal expertise and advice to fellow sportsman. However, David not only possesses a great legal mind, but an enviable ability to recall, in lucid detail, those moments in fieldsports that excite us all. This was evident in his first book, On The Deer Path, where some of his experiences in stalking deer are recalled in evocative fashion. This delightful book is no exception. It captures the imagination, and is the very essence of why we go shooting. John Thornley OBE

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