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Woodworking Crafts Magazine Issue 077 Edição anterior

60 Comentários   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Woodworking)
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In issue 77 of Woodworking Crafts you’ll find plenty to inspire and inform your crafts. In Projects, Mitch Peacock experiments with shrink pots; Kev-in Alviti makes a harvest basket; Amber Bailey gets organised with a mar-quetry cutlery drawer; Gary Ramsden uses offcuts to make a clock; Alan Holtham builds a console table; Matt Long restores a vintage tea trolley; Fred and Julie Byrne make a woodland-themed chess set; Jerry Carpen-ter begins work on a new lathe table; Simon Rodway creates a simple tablet stand; Antonio Medica and Valentina Panichi complete their Arts & Crafts-style bookcase; Jim Hooker makes a set of wall lights; and Jim Robinson makes a wishbone mirror. We also have a couple of Christmas projects with Peter Benson’s carved robin centrepiece and Cedric Boyns’ sledging Santa.

In our Techniques articles, Charles Mak covers the basics of the router plane; Anthony Bailey looks at power planers; Derek Jones explains how to use a random orbital sander to its full potential; and Rob Stoakley shares his tips for dealing with clamping awkward shapes.

In Features, we visit a barn and workshop in Maine that was converted into a high-performance house; in honour of National Tree Week, we share some top tips for planting trees; we showcase the final pieces made by the furniture-making students at the Boat Building Academy; Carol Anne Strange discovers the benefits of dead wood; we view driftwood art-ist James Doran-Webb’s latest sculptures; we meet Ian Musk, General Manager of Hamilton Billiards and Kendal Restoration; and Randy Maxey explains how to winterise your workshop.

All this and more in issue 77 of Woodworking Crafts!
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Woodworking Crafts Magazine

Issue 077 In issue 77 of Woodworking Crafts you’ll find plenty to inspire and inform your crafts. In Projects, Mitch Peacock experiments with shrink pots; Kev-in Alviti makes a harvest basket; Amber Bailey gets organised with a mar-quetry cutlery drawer; Gary Ramsden uses offcuts to make a clock; Alan Holtham builds a console table; Matt Long restores a vintage tea trolley; Fred and Julie Byrne make a woodland-themed chess set; Jerry Carpen-ter begins work on a new lathe table; Simon Rodway creates a simple tablet stand; Antonio Medica and Valentina Panichi complete their Arts & Crafts-style bookcase; Jim Hooker makes a set of wall lights; and Jim Robinson makes a wishbone mirror. We also have a couple of Christmas projects with Peter Benson’s carved robin centrepiece and Cedric Boyns’ sledging Santa. In our Techniques articles, Charles Mak covers the basics of the router plane; Anthony Bailey looks at power planers; Derek Jones explains how to use a random orbital sander to its full potential; and Rob Stoakley shares his tips for dealing with clamping awkward shapes. In Features, we visit a barn and workshop in Maine that was converted into a high-performance house; in honour of National Tree Week, we share some top tips for planting trees; we showcase the final pieces made by the furniture-making students at the Boat Building Academy; Carol Anne Strange discovers the benefits of dead wood; we view driftwood art-ist James Doran-Webb’s latest sculptures; we meet Ian Musk, General Manager of Hamilton Billiards and Kendal Restoration; and Randy Maxey explains how to winterise your workshop. All this and more in issue 77 of Woodworking Crafts!

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Issue Cover

Woodworking Crafts Magazine  |  Issue 077  

In issue 77 of Woodworking Crafts you’ll find plenty to inspire and inform your crafts. In Projects, Mitch Peacock experiments with shrink pots; Kev-in Alviti makes a harvest basket; Amber Bailey gets organised with a mar-quetry cutlery drawer; Gary Ramsden uses offcuts to make a clock; Alan Holtham builds a console table; Matt Long restores a vintage tea trolley; Fred and Julie Byrne make a woodland-themed chess set; Jerry Carpen-ter begins work on a new lathe table; Simon Rodway creates a simple tablet stand; Antonio Medica and Valentina Panichi complete their Arts & Crafts-style bookcase; Jim Hooker makes a set of wall lights; and Jim Robinson makes a wishbone mirror. We also have a couple of Christmas projects with Peter Benson’s carved robin centrepiece and Cedric Boyns’ sledging Santa.

In our Techniques articles, Charles Mak covers the basics of the router plane; Anthony Bailey looks at power planers; Derek Jones explains how to use a random orbital sander to its full potential; and Rob Stoakley shares his tips for dealing with clamping awkward shapes.

In Features, we visit a barn and workshop in Maine that was converted into a high-performance house; in honour of National Tree Week, we share some top tips for planting trees; we showcase the final pieces made by the furniture-making students at the Boat Building Academy; Carol Anne Strange discovers the benefits of dead wood; we view driftwood art-ist James Doran-Webb’s latest sculptures; we meet Ian Musk, General Manager of Hamilton Billiards and Kendal Restoration; and Randy Maxey explains how to winterise your workshop.

All this and more in issue 77 of Woodworking Crafts!
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Woodworking Crafts brings you a breadth of knowledge and information which cannot be found in any other woodworking publication on the market. Whether you are a first time woodworker or experienced, there will always be something for you. It has lots of technique articles, features and projects across a wide range of woodworking interests from green woodworking to woodturning, craft projects, upcycling, learnt hand skills, powertool use, the green environment and much more. It is approachable and easy to understand, educational and fun. If you have a thirst for knowledge this is a magazine you will want to keep picking up and reading, a magazine you’ll want to keep. Formally known as Woodworking Plans & Projects.

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Com base em 60 Comentários de clientes
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Great for all woodworkers Revisto 21 janeiro 2023

Woodworking Crafts Magazine

prefer it now to the woodworker, it has better content. Revisto 10 julho 2020

Very practical

Lots of good advice Revisto 26 julho 2019

Never disappoints

Best articles available Revisto 23 julho 2019

Thoroughly entertaining

Great read for all fans of Woodworking Revisto 18 julho 2019

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