The Weathering Magazine is the only magazine devoted entirely to painting techniques and the ageing of scale models and figures. In this issue, we focus on subjects that for various reasons, are in service of owners other than the original. We will explore the unique aspects of applying the new paint schemes and symbols, learn to represent the wear and the passage of time on both factory and hastily repainted camouflage. Here we will learn which techniques will be the most appropriate to transform the exterior aspects of a locomotive. We also include two well-known AFV examples with an M3 in the service of the Soviet Army and a T-34 captured by the Germans. Aircraft are not immune to capture, in this issue we learn a great deal from modeling a truly unique Bf 109 wearing Soviet red stars. There is much to learn from techniques used for civilian vehicles and Gundam subjects as well, and this issue includes both and of course, much more! As always, The Weathering Magazine explains all painting and weathering with detailed "step-by-step" articles, showing how to perform each technique as illustrated through high-quality images and concise descriptions from some of the world's best modelers. This eagerly awaited new issue of TWM is sure to be a collector's favorite, each page filled with useful techniques and each subject a great source of inspiration for all modelers.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in The Weathering Magazine THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE 24 - UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.