Ubikwist Magazine  |  Ubikwist #4 HARMONY Issue
This issue of Ubikwist brings together a wide variety of activists and artists from art, fashion, film, music, and design with profound stories, images that fully define our theme. These images are shot all over the world from New York, London, Paris, Los Angeles, Jamaica, Sao Paolo and Tokyo. The issue features both underground and established artists at the height of their artistic prowess who reveal their art forms at their grittiest and boldest moments. They share the good and the bad and how they have come to find harmony through their creative vision. Talents, Ben Harper, Chris Obi, Aissa Maiga, among others share with us what Harmony means to them in beautifully profiled features. It’s a grand journey that takes you to a world where art meets passion.
Since our debut, every edition has become an artistic landmark. They’ve become a collector’s item favorite due to their timelessness and bold depiction of culture. Our mission for this issue is to show our readers that through all the chaos the pieces can still come together and help us find harmony. We hope that you are inspired by the diverse representation and collaborations of these artists and activists to join the movement.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Ubikwist Magazine Ubikwist #4 HARMONY Issue.