Airliner World  |   October 2020
The October 2020 Airliner World edition pays homage to the British Airways Boeing 747 following its abrupt retirement by the UK flag carrier. We bring you detailed analysis as we look back at the airline’s five-decade association with the type, along with a comprehensive fleet listing, before granting you exclusive access with a former BA 747 training captain. Keeping all things Jumbo-related, we sit down with perhaps the most famous airline pilot on social media, Joe Diebolder, better known as Captain Joe, as he recalls his journey to the cockpit and explains his latest role at Cargolux.
Elsewhere, as the pandemic fallout continues, the Airliner World team provides the latest operator fleet changes, in conjunction with aviation data specialist ch-aviation, in the Global Aviation Report. Additionally, we complement this as we hear first-hand on the potential future industry trends from NAVEO Consultancy. Continuing our COVID-19 coverage, an Airbus A320 pilot details how coronavirus has impacted normal standard operating procedures, while we chat to the easyJet captain who co-founded Project Wingman to support NHS staff.
Meanwhile, we get battle-ready as we explore the ultra-competitive single-aisle market and gain exclusive interviews with Collins Aerospace and Air bp. For those who prefer more of an older aircraft fix, we provide a fascinating history of the Sud Aviation Caravelle with stunning images to boot.
Finally, we bring you our comprehensive coverage of worldwide news along with our regular sections of commercial aircraft acquisitions, historic aviation, up-to-date accident reports and MRO.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Airliner World October 2020.