American Miniaturist  |  Issue 220
This summer was full of adventures, but I am eager to move onto fall! As you can see above, I met Smokey the bear up in Maine. When did he get so buff?
In August I had the good fortune of saving four baby squirrels who lost their mother. I went to investigate the sound of a new bird
in the garden only to find a baby squirrel on the ground. I spoke to it and it stumbled to me with its arm out. I got it to a wildlife rescue place and they said to look for more, they will all start leaving the nest.
Sure enough I spent two hours the next day calling for them to climb down the tree with some sweet talk. I fed them a quarter cup of warm water with a pinch of salt/sugar in a syringe and then put raw rice in a towel in the microwave. I placed it in a box and they went fast asleep with full bellies in a warm bed. They will need three weeks of care then will slowly be released onto protected land.
This was really good for me to combat some anxiety that is still with me from caring for my father before he passed. Sometimes we need to be pushed into situations to come out stronger. The wildlife rescue center asked if I wanted to be a volunteer and I am excited to get started. Whether you are starting a new mini project or a new venture, I hope your fall is full of fun mixed with some relaxation!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in American Miniaturist Issue 220.