Art of England  |  93 - August 2012
From Boticelli to Bauhaus, this month’s Art of England is the perfect antidote to a soggy summer. We bring you light with Edvard Munch’s groundbreaking exhibition at Tate Britain; love with Jessica Zoob’s Passion at NEO Bankside; colour in the shape of Angela Wakefield’s stunning cityscapes; unfettered beauty from 500 years of Italian art at Glasgow's Kelvingrove Art Gallery and glory, with a wealth of artistic homages to our Olympians.
A recent broadcast on BBC breakfast revealed that 48% of adults in the UK visited an art gallery last year, reflecting the fact that come rain or shine, boom or recession, art is an interest that unites the country.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Art of England 93 - August 2012.