CARPology Magazine  |  Issue 254
Hands up, who’s watched Korda’s latest Underwater film—Norton Disney? In the brand-new issue of CARPology—our October edition—Danny Fairbrass breaks down actually what he’s learned from the experience while answering your questions. He also reveals how to master the Shot-On-The-Hook Rig, the best ways to attach the shot and the hookbaits that delivered the best results.
FIRST TEST TACKLE REVIEWS! Delkim’s Txi-D V2: how user-friendly are they? Nash’s £500+ rods: worth the investment? And Sonik’s Sub-£120 rods: the ultimate budget casting rod? We also have a bait special with Simon Scott revealing one of the best baits he’s ever used by one, which so few anglers will have used. And John Baker begins a two-part monster interview: ‘A Lifetime In Bait’.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in CARPology Magazine Issue 254.