Aeroplane  |  RAF Salute BBMF
This special 100-page magazine details the rich individual histories of each of the aircraft that make up the magnificent collection of airworthy machines that BBMF operates from RAF Coningsby today. It also places the types in their historical context and explains how the challenges of engineering these historic aircraft in the modern world are met so that they can be displayed for generations to come.
The magazine is packed with features by writers who really know the BBMF and how it works. First-hand accounts by BBMF pilots relate what it’s like to fly the Hurricanes, Spitfires, Dakota and Lancaster. They also provide behind the scenes insights into busy display weekends and explain how modern RAF pilots are trained to fly BBMF’s historic warbirds.
The overriding aim of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight is to celebrate, commemorate and honour those who have fallen in RAF service. Salute 2017 spectacularly celebrates the Flight’s activities and achievements, making it a ‘must have’ for all those with an interest in, or passion for, the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Aeroplane RAF Salute BBMF.