Dolls House World  |  Issue 367
It was a couple of months ago when Sue spotted Lucy Clayton’s house. She’d seen it on Instagram and thought it was wonderfully done and so different.
Apparently she wasn’t alone because the video attracted more than half a million views and suddenly a doll’s house had become the most popular thing on House and Garden’s Instagram.
In an early-morning conversation over a cup of tea in bed Sue said the house had to be featured in DHW and suggested/insisted I made contact with Lucy. Luckily, Lucy is an avid reader and saved me the trouble by emailing me first. Would we be interested in featuring her new house? You bet we would.
Lucy shares her wonderful journey with us this issue. How she discovered miniatures by accident. How she became obsessed, and how the build turned into a passionate family project.
There’s lots of passion and sparkle all over this issue from snow-covered houses and room boxes to festive ideas and projects that will hopefully inspire you to create your own winter wonderland.
Kathleen Holmes tells us how she decorates her house, inside and out, and Joan McKenzie recalls how working on her Christmas storybook box brought her joy when she was alone during Covid.
Cheryl Wersinger completed her lovely Christmas room for her mum and dad despite illness and trauma, and we feature two of Louise Bjargo’s room boxes, each reflecting a very different version of the time of year.
But whatever mini Christmas you decide on, whether it’s just adding a few cards on the mantelpiece, or creating a scene filled with stockings, Christmas pud and flickering candles please remember, to borrow the words of the latest M&S advert: “This Christmas, do only what you love.”
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Dolls House World Issue 367.