Exotics Keeper  |  November 2023
- Learn about the Endangered “Scrotum Frog” of Lake Titicaca with the Bolivian Amphibian Initiative.
- Reticulated Pythons are becoming increasingly popular in captivity. Learn how keepers of large constrictors can maintain positive interactions with their animals with Elizabeth Sherrif.
- Green Tree Pythons are some of the most beautiful snakes on Earth, learn how hobbyist and breeder Branden Darlison-Hoskin bred his pair this year.
- Exotics Veterinarian, Dr Michaela Betts discusses some common ocular issues in pet lizards.
- Our Flashback Feature looks at the various morphs of Dendrobates tinctorius available in captivity.
- Keeper Basics: Marine Aquariums.
- All this plus news, facts, species spotlights and more!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Exotics Keeper November 2023.