My Weekly  |  08/10/2022
My Weekly - Issue 5645
'Coronation Street' actress Samia Longchambon talks about trying to stay fit and her ongoing battle with anxiety, and we catch up with the lovely Kate Humble as she prepares for a new series of 'Escape To The Farm'. We have four great stories for you this issue, including 'Leaving Little England', a touching tale from Sarah Lee, inspired by the Windrush Generation. Our money expert has an ingenious way of saving £700 per year. Find out how inside. As it gets colder, we’re starting to think about wrapping up, so we've a selection of blankets and throws to buy! And forget the cold as we head for the sunny climes of the majestic Maldives in this week's travel feature...
Plus we've more celebrities, recipes, fiction, features, beauty, fashions, health, and much more.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in My Weekly 08/10/2022.