Practical Fishkeeping  |  April 2023
Something I love about fishkeepers is just how obsessive we can become over one particular species. I’ll not bore you with mine (it’s the shanny, Lipophrys pholis) but rather draw your attention to our cover feature this month—Poecilia wingei. Scott Hall collects them, and he hasn’t just gone down the rabbit hole, he’s sprouted bunny ears and a pom pom tail. Better still, you can read all about it on page 28. You might learn a lot; I know I certainly did. Then there’s Alexander Gorz, with his massive piranha collection over in Germany. Most people don’t have as many tanks as him, let alone as many piranha tanks. Find out more on page 64.
This rest of this issue largely champions small fish, it seems, from Elliot Ball’s Microctenopoma breeding to Gabor Horvath’s micropredator set-up. But if I’m allowed to have a favourite for this month, it has to be Oliver Lucanus and his ‘puddle biotope’ on page 52. What a wonderfully unique wilderness find!
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Practical Fishkeeping April 2023.