Teach Primary  |  V.18 No.4
This issue’s focus is on wellbeing, and it does seem to me that everyone is in dire need of advice on how to boost the mental health of both pupils and colleagues right now.
At West Lea, a special needs school, there is a strong focus on the idea that if a school community is to flourish then its staff must
feel supported and secure (p59). On p56 Kate Landsman explains why teaching social and emotional literacy is so important in helping children navigate the challenges that come their way. Viv Trask-Hall has some great advice on what to do if pupils get overwhelmed in class (p67), and Adam Bushnell (p70) suggests ways you can incorporate invaluable reflection sessions into the school day.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Teach Primary V.18 No.4.