Well Being Journal  |  Vol. 25 No. 6 NovemberDecember 2016
This is the last issue of our 25th anniversary year, and it contains a unique set of personal stories of healing cancer alongside information about healing cancer naturally. For example, after refusing chemotherapy to treat a high-grade pleomorphic sarcoma, Ross Furfari underwent a drastic lifestyle and dietary change, which helped put his cancer in remission. Ajay Goel explains how curcumin is being used to prevent and treat cancer. Anita Moorjani reveals how a near-death experience enabled her to heal from cancer and go on to live a life with purpose and joy. Eva Urbaniak describes the herbal tea Essiac and it’s usefulness, and her article is accompanied by several personal stories of individuals who healed their cancer by using Essiac. Rajiv Parti, MD, explains how a new kind of conscious-based healing can help ameliorate cancer and other diseases. There are many more fascinating personal stories of healing cancer naturally in this issue that will inspire and give hope.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Well Being Journal Vol. 25 No. 6 NovemberDecember 2016.