Cake Craft Guides  |  Issue 6 - Wedding Cakes & Sugar Flowers
The guide includes some book extracts and special book offers to find the full instructions, designs from home and abroad, chocolate styles, a section on accents to add to your cake and cup cake creations and wedding cookies. We aim to provide a source book of ideas both from our own magazine – Cake Craft and Decoration – and from our advertisers and guests.
Where you need instructions or details of a cake that is not fully featured
we provide contact details of the suppliers or information about the back
issue that contains the project. If the issues are out of print we can provide a printout of the step-by-step instructions for you to complete the design.
Turn to the index page 88 onwards for further details. Selecting a design to suit your wedding celebration should be fun, we hope you find some inspiration within these pages!
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