Marie Clare Tully, chief executive of Columba 1400, is delighted with the grant.
Skye youth charity Columba 1400 has been awarded £20,000 from the Scottish Children’s Lottery. Columba 1400 works with vulnerable young people who have experienced significant challenges. They include young carers, young people living in poverty, young people in care and those struggling to engage with school.
The grant has helped fund the charity’s leadership academies for care experienced young people from Edinburgh and Midlothian, involving a residential stay at the charity’s inspirational custom-built centre at Staffn on Skye. The project has helped its young participants build confidence, perseverance and resilience and prepared them for education and employment. Marie Clare Tully, chief executive of Columba 1400, commented: ‘We are delighted to receive this grant and have been so impressed by everything the young people have achieved as a result.’ The Scottish Children’s Lottery was launched in October 2016 to raise money for children in Scotland, with proceeds helping to improve the lives of children across the country.
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