Freshwater Fishing Australia  |  FWF 174
Our spring issue of Freshwater Fishing Magazine #174 is out now and packed with great tips and techniques. Andy McGovern outlines a proven method to convert a fish following your lure into strike. Lubin Pfeiffer, has become rather addicted to chasing big Murray cod on topwater lures. Keen lure fisho Dave Magner looks at the many ways in which brown and rainbow trout have helped to shape freshwater fishing in Australia. As a young angler Kelsi Gull, learned much of her craft fishing the banks of the pictures Glenelg River in south west Victoria. Henry Delves always loved fishing. Lubin Pfeiffer celebrates a valued river, while offering some tactical tips that will apply anywhere. Trevor Hawkins visits some special places in the northern part of the Kosciuszko National Park. The quest to find a 50cm jungle perch has consumed Colby Lesko, as an angler over recent months! The time is nearly here, the bass are now making their way up and out of the salty brackish waters and will be pushing up our rivers and creeks preparing for their post spawn migration into the fresh water to spend the warmer months. Ben O’Brien explains.
There’s more of course, including all the regular columns, the latest news, and reviews to keep you entertained over the summer period.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Freshwater Fishing Australia FWF 174.