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Aviation & Transport

Aeroplane Classic Airliner Magazine

4 numeri all'anno   |  English
9 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
From the publishers of Aeroplane, comes a series of bookazines looking at notable airliners that pioneered a new era of air travel. Classic Airliner’s first issue covered The De Havilland Comet – the world’s first commercial jet airliner, and is now joined by the Bristol Britannia, with new titles appearing on a quarterly basis.

Exploring the design and genesis of each airliner in its historical context, the reader is encouraged to follow the ‘life’ of the aircraft via its design, production, crucial testing phase and ensuing entry into service.

Featuring beautifully restored pictures from the extensive Aeroplane archive, author and editor Francois Prins captures the history of the aircraft through detailed articles, illustrated drawings and special chapters focusing on the individual experiences of some of the pilots linked with the aircraft.

Unique to this series of bookazines is an elongated double-sided pull-out centrefold, which, at a massive eight pages, celebrates the size and scope of each featured aircraft with a detailed scale cutaway diagram and accompanying images.

Offering a remarkable insight into origins of scheduled passenger flights, Classic Airliner is a satisfying read for anyone nostalgic for a bygone era, or simply interested in the airliners of yesteryear.
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Aeroplane Classic Airliner Preview Pages Aeroplane Classic Airliner Preview Pages Aeroplane Classic Airliner Preview Pages Aeroplane Classic Airliner Preview Pages Aeroplane Classic Airliner Preview Pages Aeroplane Classic Airliner Preview Pages Aeroplane Classic Airliner Preview Pages Aeroplane Classic Airliner Preview Pages

Aeroplane Classic Airliner

Trident THE HAWKER SIDDELEY TRIDENT The whole story of Britain’s innovative three-jet airliner design Development and technical description Detailed examination of its flight testing and airline service Its pioneering role in trialling and introducing Autoland.

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I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Aeroplane Classic Airliner  |  Trident  


The whole story of Britain’s innovative three-jet airliner design
Development and technical description
Detailed examination of its flight testing and airline service
Its pioneering role in trialling and introducing Autoland.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
From the publishers of Aeroplane, comes a series of bookazines looking at notable airliners that pioneered a new era of air travel. Classic Airliner’s first issue covered The De Havilland Comet – the world’s first commercial jet airliner, and is now joined by the Bristol Britannia, with new titles appearing on a quarterly basis.

Exploring the design and genesis of each airliner in its historical context, the reader is encouraged to follow the ‘life’ of the aircraft via its design, production, crucial testing phase and ensuing entry into service.

Featuring beautifully restored pictures from the extensive Aeroplane archive, author and editor Francois Prins captures the history of the aircraft through detailed articles, illustrated drawings and special chapters focusing on the individual experiences of some of the pilots linked with the aircraft.

Unique to this series of bookazines is an elongated double-sided pull-out centrefold, which, at a massive eight pages, celebrates the size and scope of each featured aircraft with a detailed scale cutaway diagram and accompanying images.

Offering a remarkable insight into origins of scheduled passenger flights, Classic Airliner is a satisfying read for anyone nostalgic for a bygone era, or simply interested in the airliners of yesteryear.

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Basato su 9 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Great Classic Aviation Magazine

A Great Classic Aviation Magazine, which I was pleased to find available here. Recensito 01 ottobre 2018

Great find

Love the big photos and cutaways with these books, and each one seems to be better than the or before, looking forward to the next one. Recensito 16 luglio 2013

Classic Airliner 'Britannia'

The usual problems with 'reliance on the spell checker' but also a howler of a caption error on pages 6/7. The problem is having editors and proof readers who do not know their subjects. The aircraft depicted is a BRABAZON and not a BRITANNIA.. If there was only 1 Britannia built you would not have so many photographs to pad out the magazine. Otherwise another indictment of the British Aircraft Industry at that time where a world class design could not be produced quickly enough to be world class flyer. Recensito 18 maggio 2013

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Aeroplane Classic Airliner Trident.