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Airsoft Action Magazine September 2022 Edizione posteriore

21 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
Alrighty then! It's the 15th of the month, so it must be time for another fun and fact-packed issue of Airsoft Action!
The pace of airsoft around the world is back to 100% full-speed, both in terms of gaming and in relation to exciting new AEGs and GBBs, along with all the associated kit, hitting the market on an almost daily basis and Airsoft Action is at the very front of things, checking out new kit even BEFORE it hits the stores thanks to our excellent and highly-valued relationships with the people that actually make what we all use for our 6mm adventures!
And Issue 141 kicks off with what we think is one of the best MK18 AEG replicas we've seen to date, courtesy of ICS AIRSOFT, as Bill puts one through its paces with a month of hard testing! This AEG is yet to fully hit the stores, so if a righteous, fully-licenced CQB-length AR is your thing you're going to want to check out his review! He also looks at the latest in the VORSK HI CAPA development program, whilst Jimmy gets down to business with the G39 EBB from ARES.
Stewbacca gets all "techy" this month and gets to grips with both the WE TECH L85 GBBR and gives his much-loved, much-abused KJ WORKS SHADOW 2 the full CLPD makeover. Red Cell return to TWELVE "Tacticool AKs" they first started testing and evaluating back in Issue 127, and The AA Legion look at all things "magazine"! Bill also looks back at his EVOLUTION LST AR after NINE YEARS of hard use... No "unbox and forget" for us!
We have THREE international reports: Bjorn looks at one of the biggest airsoft fields in Sweden, Stewbacca gets into some "3QB" MilSim/Speedsoft crossover action and we're joined by "LayLax Marck", as he shares his airsoft experiences in its cultural home, JAPAN!
With an in-depth look inside SHIELD SPORTS and an update on the latest tactical-wear from PENTAGON, along with the next instalment of our TOD series, there's something of interest for every airsofter in this issue and we hope you enjoy it to the max!
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Airsoft Action

September 2022 Alrighty then! It's the 15th of the month, so it must be time for another fun and fact-packed issue of Airsoft Action! The pace of airsoft around the world is back to 100% full-speed, both in terms of gaming and in relation to exciting new AEGs and GBBs, along with all the associated kit, hitting the market on an almost daily basis and Airsoft Action is at the very front of things, checking out new kit even BEFORE it hits the stores thanks to our excellent and highly-valued relationships with the people that actually make what we all use for our 6mm adventures! And Issue 141 kicks off with what we think is one of the best MK18 AEG replicas we've seen to date, courtesy of ICS AIRSOFT, as Bill puts one through its paces with a month of hard testing! This AEG is yet to fully hit the stores, so if a righteous, fully-licenced CQB-length AR is your thing you're going to want to check out his review! He also looks at the latest in the VORSK HI CAPA development program, whilst Jimmy gets down to business with the G39 EBB from ARES. Stewbacca gets all "techy" this month and gets to grips with both the WE TECH L85 GBBR and gives his much-loved, much-abused KJ WORKS SHADOW 2 the full CLPD makeover. Red Cell return to TWELVE "Tacticool AKs" they first started testing and evaluating back in Issue 127, and The AA Legion look at all things "magazine"! Bill also looks back at his EVOLUTION LST AR after NINE YEARS of hard use... No "unbox and forget" for us! We have THREE international reports: Bjorn looks at one of the biggest airsoft fields in Sweden, Stewbacca gets into some "3QB" MilSim/Speedsoft crossover action and we're joined by "LayLax Marck", as he shares his airsoft experiences in its cultural home, JAPAN! With an in-depth look inside SHIELD SPORTS and an update on the latest tactical-wear from PENTAGON, along with the next instalment of our TOD series, there's something of interest for every airsofter in this issue and we hope you enjoy it to the max!

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